She took the book because she wanted to see the little girl's drawing in the book to see how much of what Jefferson (same name in both places) aka Mad Hatter was "correct" according to the book. It all lined up from what she saw. In regards to the "Hat Trick" after the confrontation - I believe it is showing that the tides ARE turning and they are turning in Emma's favor - I want to know WHY Gold and Regina aka Rumple and Queen are working together now - they HATE eachother.
In addition, YES all the stories are RE-Worked to show that this is a COMMUNITY of people, not just individuals, it is interesting the way they worked in The Prince and The Pauper with out being too obvious, Changed up the Beast with Belle and made her an actual Princess from the start, Cinderella - there is an actual reason Rumple was there vs the Fairy and I have yet to settle in on a reason other than the obvious they needed to work him in. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the direction they went with Red - Ruby is soooo fun and Dreamy to Grumpy was interesting and unexpected - the fairies are Nuns -- who comes up with this stuff just GOLD!!