On-Line Support Groups for Military Moms

Updated on August 07, 2009
A.M. asks from Austin, TX
12 answers

My brother was deployed to Afghanistan last week, and my mother is NOT taking it well. She has, in fact, not been taking it well since she heard of the possibility he would be deployed, and now that it's actually happened, I'm very worried about her. Does anyone know of any on-line support groups for military parents?

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Oh my goodness! Thank you, everyone, for all the wonderful information and support! I really didn't know there was so much helpful info out there - thank you!

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answers from Houston on

Yes, there is a group called Military Moms and they are a very strong group. They get together and send packages to the solders. If you are interest I will get their web site info for you.

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answers from Waco on

Hi Amanda! There are actually tons of resources online! I would encourage her to check out www.mothersofmilitary.org
Mothers Of Military – M.O.M. –The mission of M.O.M. is to be a support and
informational network for mothers and fathers with children in the military. It is affilitated with the USO (www.uso.org) another group she can look up is Soldier's angels..they are really helpful and make care packages for all servicemen/women. I am actually suprised they didn't give her any papers on available resources! I will look into it for you and see if I can dig anything else up!

Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

Bluestarmothers.org have actual citywide chapters all over the country that meet, but I'm sure she could hook up with someone via email.

I hope she'll find what she needs and another military mother to talk to. Thanks to you and your family, and to your brother most of all, for your sacrifices.

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answers from Beaumont on

Hi Amanda. I'm B.. You might try these websites: www.militarymoms.net; http://militarymoms.multiply.com. They offer support and encouragement for military moms. She can ask questions or post messages there or just read other people's experiences.

I was in the military and was also deployed in support of the war. It was one of the hardest things NOT to tell my mom. I did. Though I couldn't tell her where exactly I was, I was fortunate to be able to call her often to let her know I was okay. Your brother may want to share some of the things he's learned, like the lingo, the job duties (understand that if its confidential or involves some security risk, he won't be able to share), etc. to help her feel not so isolated. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions and I will try my best to answer them. Good luck and God Bless.


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answers from Austin on

Hi Amanda,
Try these:
you can also got to Military.com and see what resources they have.
Blue Star Mothers of America


We are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military.

DOD Dictionary of Military Terms


Here you can browse the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. Can also download a PDF version.

Glossary Terms (Army Well-Being)


Want to know what certain terms mean? Look here! Also has a helpful FAQ page.

Marine Moms Online


Supporting each other through the deployment of their Marine.

Marine Parents


MarineParents.com, Inc. was founded in January, 2003 in response to parents' needs to find information and to Connect & Share™ with one another during deployments. Our free services, connections and outreach projects have expanded to support Marines, to support and educate Marine moms, dads, spouses, families and friends. We've helped over 50,000 Marines, recruits and family members during bootcamp, training, active duty and deployments. You've found a Place to Connect & Share™.

Married to the Army - Army lifestyle helps


We will do our best to help you navigate the Army lifestyle.

Features for parents include: Guide for New Army Parents, Homecomings, What Does it Mean to be a Military Mom?, When Your Child Deploys, Military Parents Need Resources Too.

Military Moms - Online Support Group


Includes Basic Training for Moms, Armed Forces Code of Conduct, free downloadable candy bar wrappers, gum wrappers, directions to make a Blue Star banner quilt, links to official military sites, and other resources for loved ones of deployed Soldiers.

Military Mother Blog (National Day of Prayer)


Be sure to read the monthly blog by Carol Mock, NDP Military Liaison. Carol has experienced the joys and hardships of being the mother of a soldier. Read her personal stories.

Mom 4R marines


The mission of MOM 4R MARINES is to support Marines and Sailors, as well as their families, who are protecting the citizens of the United States while deployed. We must all do our part to lift the morale of these brave, selfless warriors. On a daily basis, these brave young warriors confront a hostile and harsh environment, which few could even imagine. Their families also are faced with difficult situations. Regardless of our personal political affiliation, these individuals have earned and deserve our support and appreciation. We want to show them that The United States of America and her citizens stand behind those who selflessly guard her freedom.

National Military Appreciation Month - (May)


National Military Appreciation Month (May 2008) includes Loyalty Day (1st), VE Day(8th), Military Spouse Appreciation Day (9th), Armed Forces Day (17th), and Memorial Day (26th). This very important month honors, remembers, recognizes and appreciates all military personnel; those men and women who have served throughout our history and all who now serve in uniform and their families as well as those Americans who have given their lives in defense of our freedoms we all enjoy today.

101 Ways to Support Our Troops


by Ginny Dye. Free downloadable book of ideas to encourage our deployed Soldiers.

OPSEC (Operations Security) - Protect yourself and your Soldier


Married to the Army explains OPSEC and details you can and cannot share with others when when discussing your Soldiers deployment.

Recruit Parents - Marines


Congratulations! You're on a new journey to become a Marine Parent. The pride is indescribable, but you may feel you are in a different world with a whirlwind of emotions and never-ending questions.

RecruitParents.com is here to help you get through bootcamp. The RecruitParents.com roadmap includes information about recruit training (Bootcamp), schedules, terminology, expectations, and perhaps most importantly, venues to talk with other parents—novices just like you, as well as "expert" parents who've been down this road and experienced the same uncertainties and pride.

Service flags


Sells service flags in addition to custom and stock products including flags, coffee mugs, t-shirts, yellow magnets, lapel pins, vinyl banners, envelope stickers and more.

Talking with Heroes


Help us get the word out to more Americans about the great work our heroes have been and continue doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, in America and around the world. Plus about what many individuals, organizations and companies are doing to help our troops, their families, the wounded and more.

Team Marine Parents


Team Marine Parents™ is comprised of teams of individuals nationwide that participate in walks, runs, marathons, bicycling, triathlons, swimming, motorcycle runs, and other events nationwide. The goal of Team Marine Parents™ is to promote an awareness of "Support Our Troops" in communities around the United States through participation in and donations to troop support programs from MarineParents.com.

VetFriends.com - Military rank & structure helps, Veteran's Day parades, etc.


Includes military structure chart, military pay chart, military rank and insignia chart, veteran's day parade schedules, etc. Vet Friends.com helps you to reunite with friends and family who are veterans of or are currently serving in the US Army, USN, USAF, USMC and USCG.

What's After Boot - Marines


Welcome to "What's After Boot", a community for parents, spouses, and family memers of newly graduated Marines. This program of MarineParents.com will help answer some of the questions you and/or your new Marine may have about what to expect after bootcamp.

When Our Children Deploy (Article)


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While Our Children Serve - Great resources for parents!


20 tips to help support the troops.

Find weather from around the world.

Find out what time it is any place in the world.

Answer from the USPS about sending mail to the troops.

Maps and list of facilities in Iraq.


(Military Veteran Wife)

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answers from Houston on

Here is one website. www.marineparents.com.

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answers from San Antonio on

I'm an Army Wife and have gone through a deployment. Military.com has message boards for online support, however, there may not be a lot of mothers of soldiers. I would recommend asking the soldier to get with his FRG (family readiness group) and she can get in contact with other parents who may want to organize a support group through chat or email. It's easier to pass information within a small group so that rumors don't get out of hand, that's a big stress-maker within the military. We've got some guys in Afghanistan now, it's rough. Good Luck and Stay Strong.

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answers from Killeen on

Hi Amanda,
My husband has been deployed 4 times and he came home in January. So here is my suggestion. I'm assuming that your brother is in the Army. There is a group called the FRG (Family Readiness Group). I've been an FRG leader and a point of contact or key caller for the FRG. It's a group of volunteers who have soldiers in your brother's unit. So in other words, the volunteers soldier is also deployed with your brother at the same place. The FRG is for ALL family members. They can be there for you as well. Have your brother ask his section Sgt. who is their FRG leader or who is their POC. Then he can give your mom that person's information so that she can link up with them. Or better yet, your brother can let the FRG know that he wants them to contact you and/or your mom. Also tell your brother that he can get your mom as well as you an AKO account. He CAN sponser her and you to receive an AKO account. There are a lot of units that have a secure website that she is able to go on and receive information but she has to have an AKO account to do this. There is also a free book that the FRG can get for her called Your Soldier, Your Army: A Parents Guide. I've always order these books for the single soldier's parents and the married soldier's parents as well. The parents really like the book. Also she is allow to talk to the chaplain. The unit always leaves one back at home on Rear D. Oh and Rear D are the handful of soldiers who stay back for different reasons, it's too much to explain :) One more source that I think may be helpful is militaryonesource.com. Once again I'm a big advocate of the FRG. It's good to talk to or email someone who is going through the same thing as you. I would also like to say that as a spouse I kind of understand what your mom is going through because I love my husband but he's my husband and not my child. Your brother is your mom's BABY forever. This is going to be very hard on her. To know that her BABY is in harms way. So with you being her other BABY just listen to her. Allow her to get it out of her system. You don't always have to say anything just being a shoulder for her to cry on will help her. What she's going through right now is very normal. When you talk to your brother or email him tell him it's very important that he calls her as much as possible. Also tell him to write her a letter, explaining that he won't be able to call everyday, but he will call as much as he can. Plus let her know that he can not say a lot of things over the phone. So he won't and he shouldn't. Also some soldiers feel that because of the time difference that it's "rude" to call home at 2:00 a.m. but I bet if he ask your mom she will tell him it doesn't matter what time as long as she hears his voice. That is the one thing a lot of parents told me. That just want to HEAR that he's ok. I know this was long but I hope it helps :)

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answers from Waco on

Hi Amanda,
You might find some support here- but have your mom go to Military.com and check out that site..
good luck and blessings

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answers from Austin on

Try http://pao.hood.army.mil/family.life.aspx It's just one site on Fort Hood's webpage that might be helpful. There are several online support topics at the bottom of the page.

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answers from Corpus Christi on

There should be a newletter on the computer, from their group have him contact his onbudsman, they will have that information or will be able to get it for her.It will give her basic information as to what is going on> NO DETAILS, of course. There is also a phone or computer that he should be able to use sometimes (not that often) because of the numbers. And pray with your family and friends.His branch of service can also give you more information as to what you and your family can do. Remember they are serving us, I have two members, son and son-inlaw.

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answers from Houston on

Unfortunately, I can't offer any advice. However, I thank your brother for his sacrifice in serving his country.

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