I haven't implemented the system yet, but I am going to be using the Bum Genium 3.0. I have done a great deal of research and the 3.0's seem to be the best deal and have the best reputation. Using the 3.0's exclusively isn't really any more expensive than using prefolds and covers since they will fit from birth to potty training. I say give the 3.0's a shot, and if you're unhappy with them maybe I can buy them from you so you aren't out a bunch of money. I have an 18 month old that will be using them as soon as my order comes in the mail, and I am due with a new baby in July. So I can certainly use extras. Also, if you go the bum genius route, order from rgnaturalbabies.com .... they have a deal right now where you get 1 free for every 12 diapers you buy. No other site out there is offering a deal that good. Trust me, I spent two days searching for a better deal. :) Good luck!