You don't have to be a DD and have the "classic" ideal figure (36-24-36) to be sexy for your husband.
"A model needs perfect lighting, designer clothes, and professional makup to look as good as the average woman does to the man that's in love with her."
If you have a hard time being sexy or naked in front of your husband, then do what many thereapists/counsellors suggest, Go naked/nude around the house. Start when your husband is not at home. Two to four weeks later, then when your husband is at home.
To learn how men think about their wives and intimacy, read the book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." Its written about 75% for women and 25% for men, but it is not only about intimacy.
If you feel embarrassed about intimacy on your own, get the book, "101 Nights of great Sex." There are 50 nights for the woman to lead and plan and do and 50 for the man. AND there is nothing that says you have to do a certain one. If there is something you don't feel comfortable doing, then don't do it. Barnes and Noble sells it so you can look at it before you buy. Want to really thrill your husband? Give it to him for Father's Day.
Good luck to you and yours.