It sounds like you really need to help her transition to sleeping on her own.
If you can somehow work on transitioning her slowly to her own room. Some different ideas (please read them all to see what might help most... the website link should be most helpful) are:
-put her crib in your room for awhile... however long it takes for her to get comfortable in it.
-have her play in her crib once a day to get more comfortable with it. stay in the room next to her... and just sing with her or read a book... but insist that she stay in her crib for maybe 10-15 minutes.
-introduce a "lovey"-- an object (stuffed animal, blankie, etc.) that you always keep with her when you are putting her to sleep/ nursing... and lay her down with it when she goes to sleep.
-I think getting her to sleep naps in her crib is the first step.
- you could try letting her sleep on the floor in your room.... and see if it helps.
-YOU could sleep in her room for awhile, until she gets used to it. Put her to bed in her crib and you sleep on the floor or something in her room for awhile... and when she wakes just reassure her that you are there... but don't get her out of her crib. there is a link to suggestions that might work (this website REALLY helped us get our dd to sleep longer in her crib)
-no matter what you try she will fight it... but if her sleeping with you is messing up your family... you NEED to insist on her sleeping in her own bed (or somewhere NOT your bed!)
Hope that helps!