they have to let you pump, well in CT they do but I think it is a law in most states. they even have to provide you w/ time and a nice place (not a restroom) to do it! call you local LLL for advise/suggestions and they will tell you what you can do. my friend lives in VA and she says that the teacher she works w/ pumps right there at the table while they are all planning together...she cant see anything but can hear the hummm LOL. I am not sure i would pump while planning but to each their own. LOL. good luck and please do find support like the LLL so that you can continue to nurse/pump while working as there might be some times where it gets tricky. I have been nursing for 17 mo so far (but i am a sahm, so that is very different) so good luck. xo
oh you dont have to tell them at all about nursing until after you get the job and need them to figure out how to help you set up time/place to do it. bc even though they cant say they wont hire you bc of it, there are some jerks that wont, so dont offer that info until you are signed on as a teacher. hope this helps.