my daughter moved to a new room when she was 20mos b/c the second was coming 3 mos later. She was still in a cib, but her new walls were light sky blue. and i got cloud wallies to put up on the walls and 4 huge "net" butterflies from the chrsitmas tree shop for $1 each. to girl it up i got a bedding set in pink colors ( it was actually in AUG when all the back to college linen sales are on.... and got a dorm bed in a bag thing for her).... so it's all very big girl ish... but she's into tinkerbell now.... so i have some tinkerbell posters etc up... then when she's o nto something else i just change the posters/pictueres etc...... i love the wallies b/c they just go on and off with water, and can chage at any time.