When I bfed my first period was back to normal after 6 week pp,my 2nd didn't begin till after 3 months,my 3rd had only one when she was a few months old then afterwards none for months,then when I did get them they were every month just not consistant on the start & end days,I bfed her till she was 15 months completely bfed.After a month of stopping I did begin to have regular cycles.Now that it has been 11months from bfing her I was late this month it began on the 5th day,took test negative.During & after bfing the cycles are not always going to be regular it does take time & time is different for every woman,our hormones are not created equal.Having missed periods during the time of bfing I didn't really worry about me getting pregnant because it took having sex to become pregnant they were just missed from bfing,either a month or two then a period.If your more concerned about the pain make an appt. to get a pelvix exam,you could have the Dr.can fill in the blanks