Yep, that's breastfeeding and the age, for sure. What I found helped me a ton was just having my babies sleep with me or immediately next to the bed so I could just roll over and nurse them and go back to sleep. It didn't cut down on the number of times they nursed, of course, but it sure helped me to rest better and sleep more. I found that once I got up and became fully conscious and walked around I couldn't get back to sleep for hours. If I could just roll over in a semi-conscious state and nurse at the same time, we often both fell asleep in the process.
To alleviate the danger of in bed sleeping with you infant, I would suggest using the Snuggle Nest. Here's a link:
It provides a safe barrier around your baby so they can sleep in your bed but so that you don't accidentally roll on them or cover them in some way. Still, I never had extra blankets or pillows around them, and I also put them in a zip on blanket, like a little fleece dress closed at the bottom that they wear rather than a regular blanket that could "travel" up on their head while they sleep. Here's a link:
There are also many basinettes or cribs that you can safely put right next to your bed so they are still right next to you but not in your bed. There are many different kinds, but this is just an example:
You can also just put the crib immediately next to your bed. You just need to make sure there's at least a bit of a barrier between the crib and your bed, like don't put the crib rail down so far that it is totally level with the bed so your baby can't accidentally fall between the crib and the bed. My friend's niece invented a great product to keep your baby and their blanket in place in their crib. Here's a link:
Those are my suggestions. I know many people are against in bed sleeping for your baby, but there are ways to do it to keep them safe. I'm on number six (soon) and they've all survived, to there is a way to do it safely. I always wished I could be one of these moms who just went to their baby in the night and could come back to bed and fall back to sleep, but I just can't, so I had to find some other solution, because my lack of sleep was wreaking havoc in my family and my health.
I hope these suggestions help you. As wilth all things baby, they pass soon, and you will sleep agin someday, I promise! :) Best wishes to you!