I had dreams that I got to my ultrasound just to have them tell me my baby had died - at 19 weeks I still hadn't felt her kick and was PARANOID, but at 20 weeks we had a healthy ultrasound and I felt her kick. My dreams unfortunately were from prior experiences of my two miscarriages, so were coming from experience rather than imagination. BUT, at 41 weeks I had a healthy baby girl. The way I coped was to tell my friends who were also moms about my dreams who would just give me a hug - not tell me it would all be ok, because they weren't sure it would be, but just having people there who I knew would support me if I lost another baby was SO helpful. I would also spend lots of time with my three year old son and know that no matter how many babies I lost I would always have him, and realize what a blessing he was no matter if he was my first born or my only born. I cried about it when I needed to and told my husband how I was feeling all along the way, he didn't really understand, but he was kind and considerate of my feelings. I don't know how to make dreams go away, but having a support system really helps.