Night time bedwetting is unconscious because it is a Blood Sugar issue. Let me explain:
In all of us, it is when our blood sugar drops that we find ourselves having the urge to pee. This is the message our brain gets when our blood sugar drops that gets sent to the bladder. In young children, the untrained bladder sphincter releases automatically when the brain gets this message. The answer is this:
1. Give him a high fat snack before bed (low sugar): Peanut butter toast (sugar-free peanut butter), grilled cheese sandwich, cheese and crackers, cheese and apples... the higher fat the better and the MORE he can eat the better.
2. Let him drink plenty of water (not juice) until he isn't thirsty any more. Dehydration causes the body to take as much water out of the residual food in the colon as possible, which is why when you deny water the problem gets worse. To the brain, dehydration is just a different kind of hunger.
Your problems will all-but disappear right from the get-go, however you may have some accidents in the future, so be cautious about diapers.
Once the bladder sphincter starts to go all night without releasing, it will start to strengthen and he will wake up because his bladder is full in the morning - the way we all do.
I implemented this with my daughter at the age of seven! I wish I had found this information when she was three - it would have saved me four years of diapers and sheets.