My son was the same way, only I breastfed. My son ate every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. It was tough! When I'd try to make him eat more, he would throw up, even when I burped him a couple of times while nursing. So I stopped trying to overfeed him! He did take a bottle while at daycare. But he would only drink about 3 ounces at a time. None of my children ever drank an 8 ounce bottle. I think the most was about 5 ounces and that was when they were a bit older. My husband even gave him rice cereal once when I was gone and he was about 2 months old, and yes he slept, but when he awoke, he had a terrible stomach ache and gas. That was the only time he had rice cereal before he was about 4 months old. My pediatrician said their tiny stomachs are not ready for that yet and when we give it to them, we just expand and upset their tummies. She also said there is a reason they don't get teeth until they are a bit older (when they are ready for more solid foods). She said people mainly give them cereal because they think it will make the baby sleep more, so parents can sleep more, but that doesn't always work. And she has two children the same ages as two of mine. Think about it. When we as adults start to eat more than usual and fill our stomachs until we are full, I know I feel miserable afterward. And then after eating more each time, your stomach will have to expand to be able to accomodate what you are eating, therefore making your stomach bigger and you eat more the next time and the next. Think about gastric bypass, the doctors give them a smaller stomach, so they don't eat as much, or can't eat as much. That's just how I look at it. If you stuff him now, wont he just be hungrier and eat more the next time? That's one of the problems we have. We have too much and we don't know when to stop. Babies and toddlers stop when they are full. Adults and older children don't always do that. We could learn something from watching them! Anyway, enough about my opinion, you have to do what you are comfortable doing. Think of feeding him as a bonding time! And congratulations on your new baby!