Check out our website, It was developed by myself and another mom, for moms. We have over 60 family friendly New Year's Eve celebrations listed. Just go to the home page and you'll see the link front and center for the New Year's Eve celebrations. There are some restaurants on there, as well as many other celebrations. If you become a member of kidwinks, which is free, you can then sort this list of 60 celebrations in order of distance from your house - a very convenient feature! Check out our Kids Eat Free calendar too - just go to the Restaurants section, and you can click on a day on the calendar to find out where kids eat free or cheaply that day. And of course, there's our Events Section where you can click on the calendar day to find out what's going on throughout the Chicago area for kids. You can also click through the Ongoing Activities section to get ideas for things to do -- it's all conveniently categorized so you can narrow your search by indoor vs. outdoor activities, etc.
Happy holidays!