Hi Nora. I'm happy that you can begin a good understanding of how to help your daughter. Although it is under not so happy circumstances, the path you will go now will be good for the health of your whole family. I can hopefully give you some information that can help you to better understand or at least give you a few places to get more information.
Autism is one of five disorders that falls under the umbrella of 'Pervasive Developmental Disorders'or PDD.
There are 5 types of treatment that I know of. It's important to understand that a child can not outgrow autism but the symptoms can lessen as the child develops and receives treatment.
Treatment 1: Behavioral Treatment - teaches people of all ages with autism how to communicate appropriately, this training has been known reduce behavior problems and improve adaptation
skills. ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) is based on the theory that behavios rewarded is more likely to be repeated than behavior ignored. TEACHH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children) is a structured teaching approach based on the idea that the environment should be adapted to the child with autism not the child to the environment.
2. Speech and Occupational Therapy: Speech Therapy can help the child improve their lang. skills and communicate more effectively. Occupational and physical therapy can help to improve any deficiencies in coordination and motor skills. Occupational therapy can also help the child to learn to process information from the senses in more manageable ways.
3. Parent and Family education and Support: Support and training for the family is an important part of treatment for a child w/autism. Training a family how to effectively manage the syptoms of autism can reduce stress and improve the functioning of a child with autism. It's important for family members to have support also by having contact with other families w/autistic children.
4. Medications: Are not used to treat autism but are sometimes used to treat the symptoms. Pediatricians often suggest only using a medication to target the main one or two problem behaviors in order to allow the other treatments to benefit the child.
5. Specialized educational program: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 states that funds are granted to individual states with special education prgrams. IDEA specifically states that the state, 'provide free and appropriate education' and an 'individualized education program'. There are many children on IEPs in schools today.
I hope some of this info helped. I'm a student at one of the private universitie's here and I did a long study on autism. Of course there is so much more information out there and the treatments are used typically in combination. I always felt that children with autism are just normal children with a little bit more of a sensitive side. I know other mom's that have children diagnosed w/autism would love to help you and give you ideas of what works for them. Always keep an open mind and know that there is always someone there to help. Children w/autism respond best to highly structured and specialized treatment, a treatment program that is geared toward the individual needs of your daughter will be what you, your husband and your doctors will work on and your daughter will be happier because of it.
Ooops... almost forgot... there's a website that I believe a mom started. Has TONS of helpful info: http://www.angelfire.com/tx5/autism/texashelp.html
you should check it out as well as www.sanantonioautism.org
www.atcoftexas.org www.autismtreatment.info/