New Stay at Home Mom - Dallas,TX

Updated on July 30, 2010
S.C. asks from Carrollton, TX
47 answers

I was a working mom until recently. I put in my notice at work because of economy and husbands job situation it has become cheaper for me to stay at home. I am very excited, but scared as well. My daughter is 3 and has been in child-care since she was 7 weeks old. My son was taken care of by a sitter, and he is just a year. My question is What do I do with them? I have limited funds so weekly trips to the zoo might not be possible. I already feel guilty. Is my daughter going to miss out on her super social, and educational life that she has grown accustomed to. Will my son, be different because he didn't get that social and educational start that daughter had? Don't get me wrong I think this is truly a blessing, i wanted to stay at home at one point in time, I just forgot why, and don't know how to do it. Any advice, tips, or words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. Thanx.

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answers from Tyler on

Please don't forget that you can get annual memberships to zoos, museums, etc. and go as often as you want. You can make daily trips if you want! Take advantage of that!


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answers from Hartford on

HAVE FUN! Parks, museums, there are free passes at libraries sometimes!
Libraries have book clubs for kids, find a playgroup.

I love being home with mine- we are so busy! I also work from home so that helps will the $ issue
Good Luck!


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answers from Toledo on

What about a zoo membership? In my city, it costs about $60 a year including parking. I go about every week and it doesn't cost anything extra. I either go first thing in the morning or take a lunch and my son loves it.

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answers from Dallas on

You might ask on here if there are any moms groups in your area of Dallas. You want to make sure you don't start feeling isolated. I always tried to do free things like going to the park. I think you will be surprised at how fast the days go by and how much more housework etc. there is too do when you are at home. Being a sahm was the hardest job I've ever had.

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answers from Savannah on

Hey S.,

I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom with a very limited budget and a newborn on the way, so believe me when I say you definitely do not need to pay for weekly trips to the zoo!

What will you do with them?... You will learn a good routine that works for your family - it will fall around the activities of breakfast, playtimes, cleaning up, lunchtime, naptime, more playtime, maybe a play date or a trip to the (free) park... and eventually dinnertime, bathtime and bedtime.

You will learn to juggle how to get up and get yourself dressed and ready for the day, make coffee, change a diaper, fix breakfast, split up a fight, clean up a mess, eat breakfast, clean the kitchen, take a family walk, come in for lunch and a nap - you get the idea.

I find that the hardest thing for me to juggle is housecleaning and life-living. Because our day flies by. Before I know it, its 4 pm and I need to start dinner - but it also looks like a bomb went off in my living room!

Here are a few things that REALLY helped me out. Take a look, even for just a minute - and don't be intimidated. These are your babies. You naturally and instinctively know what they need and how to give it to them.

You will do great! And I'll ya... you won't regret it. Your children will benefit so much from being with their mother versus being with anyone else all day.

Start your engines!

This website, first of all! I love Mamapedia.
I also love and use: - Jump in and hang on, keep at it and before you know it're saying to yourself, "Oh my God this really does work!" - Loves it! Great database. - Great ideas! And good reminders for safety and checklists for household things. - you can look them up and print them! happy clipping!

Best of luck!

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answers from Dallas on

S.- I would imagine you are one of the "super" moms, constantly on the go. Your kids miss you more than anything outside of the home. You have given them a chance to see it from both ends. Your son may not remember but your daughter will on some level know that you gave up something important to be with them. That they mattered. I was a single mom for years until I married five years ago. I had always worked nonstop - more than one job etc., etc. I asked my oldest daughter who will be 22 now if she ever felt that if she had ever felt I worked too much. My daughter looked at me funny and said - Mom you were always with us. Here all I can remember is me working and my daughter only remembers me home with her. Enjoy this time and it is okay to find a way to calm down. For me (I own a company now), it was trying to calm my wheels down that was a personal problem for me. Still is something. If you want, take them to mother's day out - there's probably one near you so you can get the stimulation you need and they can be around other children. It is only four years til your youngest begins Kindergarten. It will actually fly by but you still need time for your goals too. Find some alone time to figure out what you need and want. Your children have what they interactive, energetic parent who is home with them. Enjoy it and rediscover yourself.

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answers from Albuquerque on

Congrats! :) I got to make this transition about 18 months ago, when my son was three and his sister was almost here. It's been a great year! Though surprisingly a lot harder than I expected. Sometimes I look back and wonder how on earth I managed to keep house, raise my son, spend time with my husband AND work before, let alone do anything for myself! :) Kudos to the working moms out there, AND to the SAHMs!

Lots of great suggestions so far. I recommend starting a little SAHM budget for yourself, a small amount of $$ you have available each week, or can set aside and save for bigger things, to start filling your art cart, your game closet, your backyard and your playroom (may double as your living room *wink*). It doesn't have to be much money, but a little something here and there for a new toy (read: game, craft stuff, pool, etc.) does wonders. That way you have a little budget for summer memberships to the pool, or zoo, or whatever... or you can plan on buying a board game once a month or some craft supplies.

Last summer, we got a pool during half-price season. It was still warm enough here in ABQ to put it up for a few weeks and EVERY AFTERNOON, we had pool time (my husband too when he got home from work). :) It was so sweet! This year, our plan is to focus on the back yard... we want a sandbox, an outdoor toybox and some toys, a garden that the kids and I can work together, the pool, an umbrella and chairs, a kids' table and chairs, some pretty lights and a grill. :) We plan to spend lots of time outdoors this summer, in our own backyard, catching bugs, watching the stars, playing corn hole, sitting at the fire... My husband built a firepit this past weekend and we've been enjoying that activity for a couple evenings now. I need marshmallows and smores supplies! It was such a simple thing last year, the 12x33 easyset pool and the routine we developed (currently about $100 at Target), but such sweet memories!

Also, you can get a cheap $10 year subscription to Family Fun Magazine, which I love for crafty ideas! They have kid-friendly recipes and activities that the kids and I have loved. Usually, when I get it, I pull out my "teacher's log" (you know the kind, a weekly calendar with squares for each subject) and jot down the issue and the page number of the activities I want to do along with the "rough date" I plan to do them. That way I don't forget anything and I can look ahead each week and get supplies if needed. The activities/recipes/crafts are usually easy and cheap and fun! You can also look online at for the things they've put online. (Most of it!)

Also, my son is about 4.5 now and he recently became interested in and old enough to be trusted to use my computer for his $10 Jumpstart Virtual World (preschool/kindergarten) game. Once he got through two units, though, it required an online membership ($8/month or $75/year or $150/lifetime). I called in and they gave me two months free trial (yay!)... but it's educational and fun, and gives mama a break now and then to clean house, watch a mommy-show (I'm catching up on Lost ;)) or read a book.

On Wednesdays, we do library time. On Thursdays, our local roller rink has a preschool "class" for all of $4 (includes skate rental)! We used to do Little Gym on Fridays, but that got sort of expensive. Still you can drop in for a class now and then, instead of signing up for the whole semester. They also have "Parents Nights Out" for four hours every other Friday for $25 if your kids are over 3 and potty -trained. (That's in ABQ, I'm guessing it might be the same if they have it in Dallas.) There are playgrounds, museums, and kids' theaters. In New Mexico, we have a free kids' newspaper that comes quarterly I think, and everyone advertises kid friendly activities for the next three months. Does Dallas have something similar?

Anyway, hope this has given you some ideas! Just having your kids with you during the day, interacting with and loving on them as you grocery shop, cook and clean can be fun and entertaining for you all, too, if you enjoy the journey rather than just being focused on completing the task. :) Have fun!

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answers from New York on

public libraries are great, and some offer free programs for young children(puppet shows, crafts, story telling, etc). Some museums also have a "suggested" entrance fee meaning that you don't have to pay what is sugggested. Parks are great, set aside a schedule for arts and crafts at home, learning time, reading time, etc.. It is a blessing to stay home, enjoy every minute with your children.

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answers from Dallas on

Go to the movie free in the summer time there are free once a week movies. Picnic in the backyard or free gardens. Look in the newspaper on Fridays. Crafts at Hobby Lobby can be expensive at times but paint use old t shirts and finger paint.Get some fun music like the electric slide and hokey pokey. Usually a 3 yr takes a nap and even a 7 yr old needs some quiet time during the day to relax. Color, paint read books. Go the the library they have story hours. Encourage learning. Toss a huge ball the kids love it. A 7 yr old can swing a bat so throw him some balls. Sprinkler time turn them on. water fights, bubbles tons of fun things sing and get some computer learning software for both. Have fun. God Bless and enjoy this time. I wish I could have stayed home the whole time. bake cookies. Bake bread. Have them help clean. Work in the yard. Give them guidance. Build memories when they are old will remember for life. G. W

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answers from Dallas on

Go to the library, usually they have stuff going on for the little ones, especially during the summer months! My kids love it! Go to your local park, there are tons in the area. Go on a walk around your neighborhood, or have a picnic in your backyard. Look online for age appropriate crafts. Join a mom group. In the summer, Old Settlers pool is less than $2 for each kid and it is a very kid friendly place and you can bring in your own food and drinks.

Definiitly set up a routine, it makes it easier. Plus if you do the same thing, the kids know what to expect. Most of all tho, have fun with them, they are only young once and they do not expect much!

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answers from Detroit on

i gave up a 16 year career to stay home with 2 kids.. I was quite concerned taht I would go crazy.. so I made sure that I didnt..

1. get out of the house every day.. get up get everyone dressed and go is too much to stay home for 24 hours..

there are lots of free cheap things to do.. and the kids dont care how much something costs..

go to your local library.. they have free story time often with a craft activity.. I dont know how the librarries work in your area- but we have lots of small suburbs each with their own library so we go to several libaries - depends on what activity they have going on..

look into joining the zoo .. it is only $68 per year per family to become amember of the zoo here.. a great deal.. we often go tothe zoo for 1 or 2 hours.. walk around.. play in the play ground . have lunch come home for nap..

go to parks.. your local park... any other park that might be nice to check out.. parks are free.. pack a picnic..

join a playgroup. many school districts have playgroups for very little $$ .. I joined one and it was great.. join a moms club.. there is an international moms club organization.. each area usually has a moms club.

take a class with the kids.. I love love love kindermusik.. they have class for 18months - 3 years.. parent and tot.. the price varies but we found a teacher that is reasonable.. the kids love it and that is our outing fo the day..

check out community centers.. there are 2 local community centers taht have toddler playrooms - admission is $2 per kid.. big open gym to run and play.. great for days when playing outside is not an option..

play outside.. do playdoh, chalk, sand.. paint messy thing best done outside.. kids love to play with shaving cream.. good clean fun ouside on a kids table...

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answers from Dallas on

Okay, listen carefully... because this is good advice: Children do NOT need to be continually busy in order to have a good childhood! The best gift you can give a child of preschool age is LOVE. Your time and attention are far more important than trips to the zoo or social gatherings. At this age, parents are FAR more important than friends. You can sit and watch educational programs with your child (like B.'s Clues or Sesame Street), read books, play with toys, or make arts and crafts. But do you know what the absolute BEST times I had with my daughters were when they were very young: sitting them on my lap and just talking to them or snuggling them. That is it. Simple. But they felt loved, and they knew that they were the center of my universe (and still are). I didn't have a car, and there were no neighborhood kids around, so until they were a bit older, it was just us! I remember that those $10 plastic swimming pools during summer were a BIG deal to them. It was a simple time, and I miss that time with them and cherish it deeply. You are giving your kids a gift.

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answers from Dallas on

Join a moms group. There are some on There are lots of us in the same boat.

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answers from Dallas on

Don't worry! You'll be able to provide a great social and educational environment for your kids ... without spending a lot ... and hopefully, you'll have fun in the process. Look into free activities. I also have a 3 year-old and an almost-1 year-old. Some of the things we do: playgroups (with the local early childhood pta), library story time, pet store (read: free zoo), and lots of time outside, walking around nature preserves, green belts, and of course, playing at playgrounds. My local early childhood PTA group has been such a blessing ... they plan all sorts of activities, playgroups, and mom's nights out, so both the kids and I get to socialize. Also, I recommend having at least a loose schedule for your days. Not that you have to be a slave to it, but I find that I can get much more done when I have a rough schedule, plus, I find it makes the kids more cooperative because they know what to expect. For example, I always do some housework after lunch / before nap because that's a good time for my kids to entertain themselves. I always do reading work with the three year-old before bed, etc. etc. Frankly, I think you'll be able to do much MORE educational activities with your kids because you are with them all the time. The key is just squeezing it into every day life. While you are on the swings, work on counting (then, as your child progresses, counting backwards, counting by 10s, by 2s, etc.). When you are walking through the store, play they "what letter does this start with?" game. When you are outside, talk about nature. In the car, we play "add the flags". It may take practice at first, but with a little thought, you can make their lives very enriching for no money at all. I also was first a working mom (after my first child) and now a SAHM (after my second), and both my older son and I are very happy with the switch. Hopefully, you will be too! Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Your babies will get far more social and educational benefits from being with you than any babysitter. Your days don't always have to be structured with activities. Sometimes it's best to not have plans and just see how the days unfolds. Feel like painting? Paint. Play lots of make believe. Bake muffins. Go on walks and take the time to see what these precious toddlers see. A walk around the block may take an hour because they are examining bugs, walking on the walls and picking flowers. Cherish each day. You will be so glad you did.

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answers from Dallas on

If there is somewhere you think you'll want to go, try buying a yearly pass. The zoo is only $79 to $99 for a year membership. Then you take your own food, stroller, and drinks and you're set for a day at the zoo. We belong to one place each year, sometimes two places. My kids loved the botanical gardens at that age and again, you can bring in your lunch and drinks.

Parks are great. We learned where every park was in walking distance. We would also go explore new parks. At the parks I ran into women in similar situations and we formed a group. Once a week we would get together at someones house and toss in $5 and order a pizza for all. The kids would nap and we would spend the entire day talking.

Most all of the malls have soft play areas. Go in with your coffee in a travel mug, don't buy from the mall, and let the kids play. Park closest to the soft play area and don't stroll through the mall so you won't be tempted to purchase anything.

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answers from Dallas on

I joined a moms' club on It is very active and has been an answered prayer! I highly recommend you join a moms' club. All SAHMs are looking for cheap or free things to do with your kids, and, with the combined brain power of dedicated moms like you, you and your kids can have a great time on the cheap. Just be prepared to try a few clubs before you find your perfect fit. The third club I tried was the one for me. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi S., your children are very Blessed to have their mom home and that is the best gift you can give them. There are a lot of activities that you can take them to and do with them that is educational and fun, so, stop worrying and enjoy the opportunity, many women women will love to have the chance. I left my professional job 8 years ago to be home with my daughter and worked from home around her schedule and I was able to spend time with her as well.

There are things you can do from home few hours a day that will give you extra income as well. I will be happy to share with you if you are interested.

Stop worring and enjoy watching them develop and grow, time goes so fast.


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answers from Dallas on

Check out to see if there is a Mom's Club in your city. My group has a lot of low cost activities each week. It's a great way to meet other SAHMs and keep busy.

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answers from Dallas on

Dear Syretta:
When my daughter was young I only worked weekends for the first year, and part-time for the next two after that. Weekdays are a great time to get to places that don't have the weekend crowds. There's lots of free parks and free events at your local library. You can go to Chuck E. Cheese after having lunch at home and just get drinks or a small snack to cut costs and play on the tubes rather than the video games as a treat. McDonald's is the same, just get a drink and play on the playground.

Another low-cost idea is to join the zoo or a children's museum, if they're close. I found two or three hour outings worked best with a small child. With a membership I didn't mind leaving early.

Last, check out some playgroups in your area. Moms getting together with snacks and everybody getting to socialize is really nice!

L. F., mom of a 14-year-old daughter

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answers from Dallas on

Hi S.,
Please don't underestimate the importance of you just hanging out with your children. Most of the things I do with my kids don't cost money - for instance one day last week (on a nice day) I met friends at the park...and then we decided to go to another park! The kids played together and with the kids that were at the park for HOURS and then cried when we had to go home 5 hours later. They are not lacking in social situation opportunities because we meet friends or go to the park, mall, or invite friends over for coffee and play. There are lots of free activities around the metroplex or reduced admission opportunities. You might want to check out for some ideas where local DFW moms write about what they like to do with their kids. Also, I would recommend finding a playgroup or local moms club. You can get connected in with other stay at home moms really quickly which will help you manage the transition you will have. I write a blog about what I do with my kids at and you will see an awful lot of park pictures there! ha. ENJOY this! Don't worry!

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answers from Dallas on

First of all... Congratulations! :-) I have 8 kids and I had to work for some of the time. Some of my kids had to go to daycare. The best adjusted across the board are the ones that spent the most time with me at home. They are all good kids, smart, and are doing well in school and with friends, but I have noticed the difference. The ones with less daycare are the most diligent, responsible, and loving ones! I know it could be a coincidence as every child has their own distinct personality, but I truly believe Mommy is best! :-) You can schedule play dates with other kids in your neighborhood, you can go for walks, ride bikes together, take them swimming, take them to parks, and even go to the mall and let them play with other kids (for free) in their indoor play areas. I know that Stonebriar and Vista Ridge Mall have them, I believe Galleria does too. There are many things you can do for free with them, and you can ensure they continue getting social and educational development :-). Hanging out at home is great too, you can color, watch movies or shows together, do puzzles, cook, the sky is the limit! Hanging out and chilling at home is one of my favorite things to do with them... mellow easy days where they can play with their toys ard just relax... As far as social events for them, one more idea is that when you and your hubby go on date nights (which could be at your home-but without the kids), you can take them to Adventure Kids (drop in hourly care) and they can have a blast playing with other kids too! Best wishes and God bless!

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answers from Dallas on

You will be very surprised at fast the days go by and how busy you become. My daughter was in daycare from 12 weeks old until she was 2 years old and then I quit my job. At first it was a little overwhelming, I felt like I had some expectation to live up to (house needs to be spotless, kids entertained all day, and dinner on the table). I soon realized that I could not do everything, and my husband did not expect to come home to perfection (which for some reason I thought he would think that everything should be perfect).

There are always free things that you can do;
-We have splash parks in McKinney, I would imagine you have them in Dallas too. That is always a fun outing!
- A picnic at the park
- Go to the library to check out books, or participate in their story time
- Go to a community pool (if you have one)
- Get bikes and go on a bike ride
- Go on a walk
- Cook something with your kiddos (my daughter loves to help cook, especially cake and cookies =)
- Play dates with friends (alternate going to friends houses, it give you adult conversation and friends for your kiddos to play with)

Look in your area for mom groups, MOPS groups are great, and even meet some of your neighbors. You will find other moms with kids that are your children's age so they will get socialization from that, and even from playing with kids they meet at the park.

You can get a membership to Dallas Zoo (I think it is $80 a year for the entire family). They have a spring for the kids to play in, you can take a picnic lunch and then you have a free outing (after the initial membership). The Arboretum has family packages (not sure of the price) and you can do the same thing there, look at flowers, play on the play equipment, and pack a picnic lunch.

Being a SAHM can have it's challenges at time, but it is the best and most rewarding job in the world!

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answers from Dallas on

First let me say thank you, raising your children rather than sending them to a sitter is a difficult but very important decision. Check at your local library, they should have a children's reading program, check at churches for stay at home moms groups and play groups. My children are older but this seems like a great place to find groups like that. Take them to the park, look on line for free things to do in and around your town. Most of all enjoy your time with your children, being a stay at home mom is a tough but rewarding job.

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answers from Dallas on

Well, you've gotten lots of great ideas, but I just wanted to share my experience (I work only 2 half days, 8 hrs a week, so I'm home most of the time). When I had my first son I had dreams of going for daily walks, playing at the park, the zoo, you name it. Well, the reality is (now I have 2 boys- just turned 5 and 2 1/2) I might make 1 play date a month or maybe 1-2 outings a month at the most. The rest of my week is easily filled with- well, just life. I make a point to try to do all errands during the work week. So on my days off I try to do grocery shopping, bank runs, doctor visits, car maintenance, etc. so the weekends are truly free for family time. The other day a week I'm home is usually set aside for getting the house picked up, cleaned up (yes, I do daily pick up, but you know- the piles of mail or art work that pile up, laundry, that sort of stuff). My other day a week was open for play dates, outings, etc., or just to finish what didn't get done earlier in the week! Seriously, for me, I usually rearrange my whole week when I have a big day planned like to go to the zoo, because it's so easy to fill time just doing stuff at home. Of course, this time at home includes plenty of time playing and interacting with the kiddos, and running lots of interference between the two as well! Just don't feel bad or think you're doing something wrong if you don't have all this time on your hands and you feel like you never get anything done. Welcome to the world of SAHM!

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answers from Dallas on

thx for your question. i've been transitioning myself and have wondered at times if my 3 yr old was getting 'enough' time with kids. sounds like she does based on the responses. one thing to remember through this is you. it's a definite adjustment. remember those that have been a SAHM parent since their kids birth know a lot more things to do. accept it as that. i know for myself talking with those that have been SAHM just overwhelmed me at one point. my main suggestion is to get your 3 yr old into a MDO or something so she has has something and you have time off.

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answers from Dallas on

I highly recommend MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers. They usually meet in area churches. Go to the website to find one near you. They have lots of activities like playgroups and outings and sometimes do co-op babysitting. Also, your local Early Childhood PTA. The malls are another great place to get out. I would take my kids to the mall when it was too cold or too hot to be outside. We would stroll through the mall. Play in the soft playgrounds and in the toy stores. Northpark is my favorite (although they don't have a soft playground). Just make sure to get out regularly and arrange for playgroups for your kids to socialize. Read to your kids and do educational things with them. Just running errands can be educational. Talk to them about everything you do.

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answers from Nashville on

I also joined a moms group, and we do lots of things together that usually don't cost money. Mostly playdates and occasionally zoo trips or something else, but a lot of times we get group discounts. And none of it is required. I think they are a lifesaver for sahm. I am in MOMS Club, but there is MOPS, and also you can check and yahoo groups too.

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answers from Portland on

I had the exact same concerns as you did when I started staying home with my son. I suggest you look into your local library storytime (VERY similar to circle time). People bring mixed ages to mine all the time and trust me, nobody cares if you bring a one year old to toddler time or a toddler to infant time. My son loves it and I learn silly kid songs and what he should be learning (sounds of animals, letters, numbers, colors whatever). I also joined 2 different mom groups. Those have been FANTASTIC and I think an absolute MUST for a SAHM. The kids get proper socialization and so do YOU! :)

It's sometimes overwhelming and I specifically remember thinking, "wow, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be" but it's fantastic and worth it. My mother in law reminded me that people have been raising geniuses for ages and we only recently became obsessed with what we teach our kids before school. Focus on playing and having fun together! Lastly, our Zoo and Children's Museum memberships have been worth their weight in gold! It's actually a really nice treat for ME - something else is keeping my son fully engaged and I can just observe, sip tea and answer a few questions here and there. :)

Good luck, it's wonderful!

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answers from Columbus on

It looks like a lot of people suggested the library -which I am in 100% agreeance. We love going to our story time and it gives the kids some social time. I am in Ohio, but I am sure TX should be similar, but our malls offer play areas for kids. So on rainy days we head of to the mall and the kids burn off their energy inside and a fun play environment. We also have rec stores that sell swing and outside play equipment that offer 2 hours a day of free kid play time too. Our local Parents Magazine/newspaper offers ideas and "freebies" for the week. Usually in the spring and summer time there are local festivals going on weekly. We have hot air balloon festivals, craft festivals. I am sure their will be a memorial day parade and 4th of july festivites going on. Our local nbc station also offers/suggests freebies for the weeks with different activities going on around town.

Hope you enjoy your time with your babies!! I was laid-off in October and was totally worried about being a SAHM - and now I LOVE IT!! It is so rewarding and as I said in my suggestions above - we create a new adventure each week with local activities around town! Have fun and Congrats on the decision to stay home!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

You are doing an amazing thing for both your family and your children. Remember there are only a few years that you can teach them everything you know and how you want you child to be. They have over 12 years to learn their academics. Enjoy your time with the kids! They wont miss anything but they will gain so much by being with a loving parent all day! Find a local moms group to do things with, take them to the parks, have them help around the house. They will learn so much at home that they cannot learn in childcare. And remember this is a huge change for both you and your children. Remember to leave time for you. Take it one step at a time. And yea for being able to be with your kids at home now!!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

You (and they) will be fine. Take them to the park. O. day ride the swings & slides, O. day hike the woodsy trails, O. day do a scavenger hunt, O. day feed the ducks....see there's almost a week at O. FREE place.
Settle into a schedule & routine: Breakfast, dressed, play, lunch then out in naps if applicable. Whatever works for your kids!
Look into your local library--FREE! Free storytimes, crafts & borrowing of books.
Check your local municipality/city/etc. Over the summer lots of places have FREE dates for admissions to museums, attractions, etc.
Hit the yard with buckets and a hose on hot days, go to a local pool (not too $$) Pack a picnic.....there are TONS of things to do. Enjoy spending this time with your kids. You are right--sometimes it costs a LOT more to work than people realize. I'm sure you'll spend way less and save so that you can do some fun stuff that costs money too--look into a zoo membership for the year, local waterpark, etc.

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answers from Dallas on

i am so excited for you and your kids! the first 5 years of life are the most important. What you teach them during that time (values, morals, LOVE) will shape them and stick with them for the rest of their lives. You are giving them the best gift possible. Not everyday has to be perfect. Sometime I just need a day where we don't go anywhere or do anything. Now that my girls are 2 and 4 they are such great friends and playtogether for hours! You've had a lot of great suggestions. Try to find a little time where the kids still go to a babysitter so you can be away from them for a little bit. Maybe go on a date with your husband. I know that can be expensive, we go out and eat dinner come home put the kids to bed and watch a movie we picked up at redbox for $1. Or possibly find a bible study that has free babysitting during the biblestudy. Doesn't have to be everyweek but it can be healthy to spend a little time away from them. Or possible they can have dad time while you go to the grocery store. i know one thing that I am a strict about is their 8:00 bedtime. when you are with your kids all day it is nice to know you have a few hours every evening to spend with adult conversation only!
Don't ever feel guilty about the choices you make for the good of your family!! Your kids will be better for it.

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answers from Victoria on

Well, I've been both as well & keep flipping back & forth based on what works for us. I try a weekly trip to the library, so you get different books to read. They also let you check out movies & my kids enjoy that as well. I take them to a park at least weekly to get out & meet other moms. research & find a local moms club or group. this is where you can set up playdates. kids get to socialize, but you do too. Once you meet some moms you like, then you can do things together. I try & sit with each kid at least for 30 minutes where it is just me & them. I have them help with house work. I try & get them at least 30 minutes outside for exercise, sun, fresh air. I let mine pick out a dessert for the week & we make it together. brownies, ice cream, cake, cookies, etc.... As for academics...I had my little one say the word for what they wanted & the older can start to give you the letter it starts with. I pick a letter for the week, such as B b and then i point it out every chance I get during that week. like hey ball starts with b. bowl starts with b, etc... kids love it & then they start finding b words. They learn what it sounds like this way & starts with spelling words. Kids love games & I try & play one with them weekly. Also know daycare has kids pick up after themselves, so I would keep that going. I did and am so glad cause now my two do it almost from habit now. I turn on music when I clean house & kids love it. Hope this helps you get into the swing of things.

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answers from Abilene on

MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) is a great place to meet other moms with young children. is their website where you can find a group nearby. It costs a little bit but you also get time to visit (adult conversation!) with others who are at the same place in life. They may be winding down for the summer, but our group also tries to meet a few times over the summer just for fun.

There are so many things you can do with your kids that don't cost a lot: baking/cooking, coloring, get a big refrigerator-type box and make a playhouse, make tent cities with sheets, read, go to the park, take "nature" walks to find flowers & bugs. You can do it -- in many ways, just follow your kids!

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answers from Redding on

You can go on walks. Find leaves, bugs, go to the library and find books. My children loved the library when they were little. There were little places for them to sit and browse at books and decide if they wanted to check them out or not. And we would bring some home, enjoy them, and get different books the next week. My kids are 10 years apart, so my son went everywhere I took his sister. By a year old, going to the library and a love of books was just a natural thing. Artwork, coloring, tracing their own hands, making cheerio necklaces...letting them pretend by making "forts". There is so much you can do to spark their imaginations and teach them without them even knowing it and most of them are free.
It will be a bit of an adjustment if you are accustomed to working outside the home. Having your kids on a daily basis will be different, but you can make sure they get the socialization and stimulation they need by just being creative in your approach to things.

I wish you the best.

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answers from Detroit on

Congrats on the new career change:) It may not pay much $, but the rewards are priceless:) There are so many things to do. You can have a picnic in the back yard, plant a garden, teach your children how to do things like cook, laundry, and put away things. Sign up for swim lessons at your local Y or check out your community center to see if they offer play groups. Take the kids to the mall to play at the play area. If you live in a neighborhood where there are kids, just going for a walk daily or to the park and you will meet other parents. Kids love to paint, color, play dressup (clothes from a resale store are great), and of course, play with playdoh. You can teach your daughter to play Candyland, Hi-Ho Cherrio, and Chutes and Ladders. Relax, breathe---there will always be things to do.


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answers from Denver on

moms day out through a church? library reading programs? play group? swimming lessons? zoo and museum memberships make great gifts. I loved staying home! It is the best gift you can give your children. Don't get sucked into TV and don't try to keep the house cleaned every minute. I did a quick tidy at nap time and then a pretty good clean up right before dinner (whatever that means in your house), so that after dinner was a walk, bath, books, whatever your routine. Enjoy-it goes too fast.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I am so excited for you and your children! Oh, they will reap such huge rewards having their mommy at home with them. And, so will you. Yes, the days can be long and difficult, but the rewards are priceless! You don't have to take them to the zoo or whatever. You can read to them, play with them, let their relationship with each other grow. My kids cannot imagine what life would be like without being able to be together everyday, knowing each other, loving each other. Little ones need their mommy, not some institution "socializing" them. It often is more of a survival of the fittest environment. You can provide so much more for them. Even the simple fact of knowing how loved they are and how important they are to you is way more important than what anyone else can give them. Don't believe the hype of the social life of a 3 year old. Enjoy your children. You may need to detox from the busy-ness of going all the time, but it will be okay.

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answers from Dallas on

I recommend joining a playgroup with The one I am in is just $10 a year and has activities to choose from EVERY day of the week. Many are playdates at people's houses and most activities are free or really cheap with a few pricier ones like the zoo (that you wouldn't have to go to of course) thrown in. good luck!

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answers from Tyler on

My children were always home with me and I didn't "entertain" them. They found so many things to play and had wonderful imaginations. My oldest forced me to let her cook, and today she is a gourmet cook. One daughter always wanted to play "store" and today she's a banker. My third loved her baby dolls and now she's a mother and part-time CPA. Just be their encourager and watch them blossom.



answers from Dallas on

If you get a membership to the zoo it pays for itself in a couple of visits. I love my membership. We will go in the morning walk around for a bit have a lunch that we bring and then go home. You can also look into mom play groups for a little more socialization. The playground at the Galleria is another great place to go. I came home when my son was just over a year and he has not suffered one bit. They love the time that they get to be with Mom. You will love it.



answers from Raleigh on

Your Son will be fine! I was terrified to be at home with kids and I ducked playdates and such for a year or so b/c I was also terrified of other Moms ... SuperMoms who seemed to have it all under control. The control, the routine, your groove comes in time. Be patient, don't put too much pressure on yourself and just enjoy every moment. Try to laugh your way through tough situations and remember one day you will miss these days. I also heard some really good advice from a fellow Blogger, Every moment can be a learning moment, but every moment doesn't have to be. Have fun!




answers from Nashville on

You've gotten some great suggestions so far. I haven't read them all, but didn't see one of my favorite activities with my kids. Plant a garden! It's the perfect time. It doesn't have to be large. Even if you live in an apartment, buy a couple of pots and some dirt, then get one veggie plant that everyone likes and one flower to grow. It will teach your kids loads to take care of them, etc, and you'll have fun in the process. And don't feel guilty plopping them down in front of the tv for a few minutes each day if you need to get stuff done. Sometimes that's the only way. And I've learned that they do a fair amount of this in most daycares and good preschools, too. You will need some down time!! Good luck and have fun!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi S.,

You could also try searching on - it's a playgroup directory and social network for parents that are looking for activities for their kids.

Hope this helps,




answers from Seattle on

I felt pretty isolated at first, but have discovered MOPS (mother of preschoolers) which is a great break and they have childcare and the kids do little activities. (They are a Christian organization, and I'm not Christian but it's fine.) I also joined MOMS club and found that some of the outings came at nap time, but I think it's a good thing too. It's $25 a year here. I also just discovered the Children's Museum and if I buy a membership, I can get into all of the surrounding museums. My 20-month-old loves it. There's a lot of activities for different ages. I know you say you have limited funds and so do we, but I think this investment will be worth it. I'm thinking of requesting help w/ the $ for my upcoming b-day and/or Mother's Day! Good luck



answers from Dallas on

I am a Montessori Teacher and take care of my 2 nieces and nephew. We do painting, play dough and play foam, reading books. We do weekly library story hour and Borders story hour. Drop In gymnastics at woga. We do hiking trips to Arbor Hills Reserve and bring a picnic lunch. I hope that helps. In the summer we do the kiddy pool in the backyard. There's lots of activities to do without spending money and we don't have tv on during the day. Only when I am preparing dinner.

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