I was an elementary school teacher at one point in my life (for 3 years) and only left b/c I did not make enough to support myself. This was years ago. Now that I have kids (1 and 2 years old), I was thinking that teaching would be a decent career once you got yourself established. I know at least 10 teachers personally (including 2 of my sisters) that have kids like you and they love it and they all make it work with their kids. I hear you say that it takes so much personal time, but I think that you'll find this with any other career path you choose. (I'm talking about career paths where you are making decent consistent money, not these one-off network marketing things, that are, well, fun, but the money is inconsistent). Not to sway you either way; I'm just suggesting you take a good hard look at it b4 you throw away a perfectly good career for something less satisfying.
I ended up going back to school (chemistry of all things) and now I make decent money in the medical device industry and I am currently supporting my husband and 2 children. I am not suggesting you do this--it was a long, hard, path which required tons of my personal time to do. Anything else you have to go back to school for will take a lot of personal time to do right. There aren't any shortcuts. Tutoring is a great idea for part-time work, as is teaching fitness classes (aerobics, yoga, etc), and these "party"-type gigs (pampered chef). I also teach yoga on the side-certification relatively easy to get--but would never be able to support myself or family on the meager wages. I have also done editing on the side, too, but again, the jobs were sporadic and again, the money was inconsistent. Email me if you need to chat.