did your depression continue after breastfeeding stopped? I just wonder if you were suffering from post partum depression like I have with all 4 of my kids.
I think the one thing that is tough for women who get PPD, is that the lack of sleep tends to exacerbate your emotions, and I needed to be really relaxed for my milk to let down. Without medication, that just didnt seem possible (to relax). I would literally tremble for days. My PPD was pretty bad.
I had the desire for each of my babies too... I really hated failing as a mother and I put so much pressure on myself, which by the 3rd kid, didn't seem to be helping my breastfeeding efforts at all.
I don't think I needed a lactation specialist, I think I needed a therapist! now I can laugh at this time, but it was really rough having to answer people when they asked 'Oh, why aren't you breastfeeding... it's best for your baby'.
This is still a very personal choice, and sometimes I hated people for getting so personal and sticking their nose in.
My suggestion to you - and I'm not advocating one way or the other, please dont get me wrong, but since you asked...
This baby/post partum period could be totally different. If you feel like you would like to try again, do it right from the beginning, colostrum is still a very beneficial thing for your baby in those first couple days. All my children at least got that (which makes me feel better). If you find yourself in the same place as last time, don't consider yourself a failure... there are a lot of ways to bond with your baby and i dont believe the bond is diminished by putting a bottle in their mouth vs. a breast. you are still holding your baby, looking in their eyes, and snuggling. and FYI - i know the statistics say otherwise, but two babies of friends of mine were solely BF for the first year - each of them has had at least 2 courses of antibiotics for ear infections. My son has yet to need an antibiotic, or get an ear infection. I'm not saying this statistic is false, I'm jsut saying formula fed babies can be healthy too.
Be flexible and understand that there needss to be a balance... if you are an emotional wreck, you are missing out on the bonding experience anyway... and short changing your experience. And I'm sure the tension your baby will feel from you is bound to make them uncomfortable.
Just remember, if you start out with formula and then change your mind 3 weeks later, it's 3 times harder to go back to breast, which isn't easy in the first place...
Good luck to you with your decision, it's very personal and yours alone. Congrats on your pending arrival, and I hope you have a wonderful, rewarding birth! :)