I've had HORRIBLE side effects from the pill since becoming a mom. I ended up switching to Elesse (or however you spell it) after my son was born. It had a lower dose of hormones and that seemed to work for me. After this last pregnancy, however, I tried it again and I was miserable. I mean, uncontrollable mood swings, crying fits lasting for hours, etc. I thought it might be PPDepression, but the docs ruled that out.
I switched down to the mini-pill and it worked wonders. It's not as effective (I think it's 85% instead of the typical 95%), but it was better than nothing. I, too, dislike condoms, but my hubby and I were planning on our third child coming shortly after #2, so we didn't really care if we were on birth control or not.
After this pregnancy I plan on returning to the mini-pill, and if that doesn't pan out, I'm going to try the Natural Family Planning method. (My mom has used that method her whole life and had her pregnancies planned down to perfection.) Sorry I can't give you a more definite answer, but know that you're not alone in this. :)