Needed Help with Potty Training

Updated on November 10, 2006
M.M. asks from Harper Woods, MI
8 answers

My daughter is 2 and a half and she will tell me she has to go potty after she already goes. I take her in the bathroom everytime I have to go so she sees mommy being a big girl hoping it will have her go as well, she just sits there and plays. I have no idea what to do, I have tried the reward system as well. I really do think she is ready. I have even tried this baby that pees but it didnt work either. Any suggestions??

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So What Happened?

Yea so its been a little bit since I have asked for advice about potty training I tried a few different ways that were suggested and the 1st few days worked fine but once she realized I was making more work for her to use the potty she started peeing in her pants and wont go on the potty now...So Im not sure what to do I try to make her sit there she gets so mad and cries until I let her now what am I suppose to do????

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answers from Detroit on

It took me a week to potty train my son. I did it all through the day every 20 minutes and a few times in the middle of the night. When I was at work my day care potty trained and when I got my son I did it every 20 minutes and also woke him up in the middle of the night maybe once. when we got ready for work we got him up too. Also when I took him off pampers I kept him off pampers no pull-ups and sometimes he went bottom naked a couple times out of the day throughout the day. We did have some accidents but it wasn't that bad.

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answers from Toledo on

If she is interested in the potty and you really think she is ready then I would move on to initiating potty time before she does. Every hour take her to the potty and wait for a little while, hopefully she will go. It is always a good idea to have a "potty basket" that can be used while she is sitting there. Fill it with hard cover or plastic potty books, other washable books, and washable toys.... this way everything can be cleaned and sanitised. I would recommend doing this at a time when you can devote an entire week to just taking her on the potty every hour. Then if she actually does go you could give her a sticker for her great work. If she continues to go and is making progress then you could take her to the store to pick out special big girl panties.
Good luck!!



answers from Melbourne on

I had this same problem with my daughter when I was training her. I started setting a timer and putting her on the potty every 30 min to an hour. I would give her a book or a toy she could play with w/out getting up (pop-up books are great!). She eventually started telling me right before the pee was coming out. At this time in the training we kept the potty chair in the livingroom with us. She was completely trained by her 3rd b-day (night time also). She has only had a few accidents since then and I believe they were due to the fact our bathroom was on the second floor and she waited too long. HTH




answers from Grand Rapids on

I potty trained my 5 year old by using a simple kitchen timer. This is a bit time comsumeing and teedess. For a day or so I would set the timer to go off every 15-20 minutes and take her when it would go off. I would do this all day. Then a day or so later bump up the time and so forth and so on. She was potty trained in about 2 weeks. Plus it helped that I looked liked an idiot and sang the peepee song. "you peepeed in the potty!" over and over. Just rember just because it worked for someone else dosent mean it will work for you so dont get frustrated. Just keep trying. Trust me I am on my way to training number 2 and i am not sure she will be so easy. Good Luck!!



answers from Lansing on

My two year old did the exact samething and it drove me crazy, but give it time and before you now it she'll be potty trained. What I did to help my son was when we were home I let him run around naked (wore a diaper at night, and when we went out) and within a month he was potty train. Good luck with all this.



answers from Saginaw on

I know it sounds dumb, but go out and rent/buy the Elmo Potty Video, for some reason kids respond to the little talking monster! My daughter got up and peed on the potty after the first viewing. We also took her to the store and let her pick out her potty. (try both kinds the donut ring and the actual seat to see what she'll like better) Let her pick out some underpants for when she's a big girl and stays dry~ My sister used pull ups w/ dora on them and her little girl didn't like making dora or the other characters disappear when she peed so she used the potty~ Basically no one thing is foolproof, just try one or two things week by week and eventually something will stick~ we learned the hard way not to "force" her to sit on the potty, she regressed completely and it took a couple of weeks to get her started again` Good LUck



answers from Toledo on

If she likes sitting on the potty thats half the battle so just let her keep joining you and she will get sick of having a wet bottum or have you tried special panties that "caint " get wet that worked for me!good luck



answers from Lansing on

my daughter went on the potty for the first time at 18months and I thought I was golden. Wow, the fastest potty-training kid ever. It took until she was about 2 and a half or a little older, and she literally decided she was ready and just started doing it and it blew me away. I stopped making a big deal out of the potty. I started giving her tons of rewards when she let me know she went potty, and would immediately bring her to the bathroom and sit her on the toilet, even if she had already gone, so she could maybe start to connect the two.
I have heard that in this new century, some kids aren't potty training until 4!!! I don't know how good that is, but try to relax and remember that it may be stressing her out, and she probably knows that she's not doing the "big girl" thing and she probably really wants to! It sounds like she's taking all the steps, and now it's just waiting for her to feel totally comfortably with that.
Sorry if that didn't help at all, but I hope it works out for you soon!

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