Need Wedding Gift Ideas for My Fiance/soon-to-be-hubby!

Updated on April 14, 2009
K.P. asks from Cherryville, MO
5 answers

I would like to give my fiance a special gift the day of our wedding. What did you get your husband that he really liked or that meant a lot to him?

I am getting married in 19 days!! I am so excited!

A little about my fiance and his interests - loves the Cubs, wears suits and ties to work everyday, loves music, concerts, and camping

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A Movado watch sounds great - but there are TONS of them on the internet - what kind do I choose?? Does anyone know if a "Jr. Museum" watch means it is "smaller in size?


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answers from Chicago on

Weird - I also got my husband a Movado watch!



answers from Chicago on

I bought my husband a movado watch. He loved it. You could always go with cubs tickets, since he is a fan. Congrats on the upcoming wedding!



answers from Chicago on

Maybe a Cubs jersey with the number being the month number or day number of your wedding date.



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! While dating, my husband and I loved to try different champagnes. It became a special hobby for us. So as a wedding gift, I gave him two Swarovski Crystal champagne flutes a few days before the wedding -- and we used them for the toasts at our wedding. They are stunning and he truly appreciated their beauty. Now we pull them out to use on our wedding anniversary, and we get to experience a tiny bit of luxury once a year. If they don't break, perhaps one of our kids will want to use them at their wedding. (Wishful thinking, I know!)

Best wishes!!



answers from Chicago on

This is so funny..... I read your other posts and we had similar ideas. Probably my husband's favorite gift from me was his watch that he has had for over 20 years. He used to scuba dive and I bought him one with a bezel and a depth gauge on it. It has a beautiful, deep blue face - silver link band w/a touch of gold.. Very stylish, yet conservative.

My children and I bought him an I-Pod nano for his last birthday. That's his newest favorite gift. He travels a lot and always is plugging it in somewhere. My daughter loaded all of his cd's on it. Loves it.

If you like wine... a great bottle of wine! You two will get to enjoy it together. Need wine suggestions, just personal message me. I love many different varietals of wine.


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