Need to Lose Weight!!

Updated on July 30, 2007
N.J. asks from Jefferson City, TN
12 answers

Ok ladies it's me again, this time I'm not asking about the kids but about myself. I really need to lose some weight, the baby is 10 months now so the 'just having a baby' excuse is not working anymore. Before kids I was 100lbs soaking wet and i'm 5'9. Now 3 kids later I am 175(can't believe I just told you all that!!) I have had 3 c-sections and just can't shake the weight! I have been trying to eat healthier and only drinking diet drinks and water. No luck! I have been trying to gey out more but lately its next to impossible! The baby has terrible allergies so taking him outside is not really an option. My husband works 60+ hours a week so a gym isnt really an option either.
What has worked for you?? I have a chance to join weight watchers(my insurance covers it) has anybody had luck with that?
I have been feeling so so depressed about my looks lately. Please help, any advice will be really appreciated!
Thanks~N. J.

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So What Happened?

My goal is to lose 25-35lbs my husband does not want me to lose anymore than that. I know my kids were worth it and I tell myself that all the time. It does not help when I am trying on clothes tho. Thankx for all the awesome advice!! Hearing all the positive weight watchers stories is giving me hope!!
Keep 'em comming!
Oh and I happened to go to my doc and ask about my weight(I guess hoping he would give me a quick cure{ha!}) and he told me my insurance would cover it. I have state medicare also.

Featured Answers



answers from Chattanooga on

I've heard great things about Weight Watchers but have never tried it myself. I do think they emphasize that exercising is part of the program though. Could you join a gym where they provide childcare? I know the YMCA does and they are inexpensive too! I will say though that 100 pounds is way too little for someone who is 5'9"!! Don't go too low :)

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answers from Chattanooga on

Hi I am brand new to this but thought I would respond, I just started a brand new diet called Kimkins on June 29th and am seeing great results! As of today I have lost 16 pounds! I am alot more overweight then yourself but my husband has also lost about 20+ pounds and he will be at goal next week! Its a very very strict diet but it works! and it works FAST. Check out (this is a version of Adkins, but it is low fat lean meats and low cal.) I havent felt better, have no appetite and am full of energy

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answers from Nashville on

I wish I could give you the right answer. Truth is, my son is now 8 years old and I still weigh more than I did before he was born. I have tried everything too! Dieting, exercise, not eating...still can't get below 150. I know that I will probably never weigh what I did when I was 22 (115lbs.), but it still bothers me. I hope you are able to get to where you want to be.

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answers from Nashville on

the only thing that has worked for me is exercise. I tried walking every day, sometimes twice a day and saw no results. I calorie counted and some of the weight came off, but after I started working out along with the calorie counting, weight started just falling off. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication and with mommies that work and have kids, I don't know how they find the time. I started out 3 times a week, 30 minutes a day and worked up to an hour a day 3 or 4 times a week.

best of luck

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answers from Killeen on

Well, I have a six week plan that I can share with you. It would require working out. But it is something that you can implement from home if you have some weights. It is a very strick change of diet. You would have to eat 6 small meals a day instead of three large ones. This helps to kick up your metabolism. You are only 23 so you should be able to bounce back with this plan quickly. Let me know if you are interested.

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answers from Clarksville on

Cardio(walk the mall, or get your husband to watch the kids for a few minutes while you walk a few blocks) is the best bet to lose weight but there are lots of options for working out in your home. Cans of spaghetti sauce(or soup) make great handheld weights, you can do lunges, or standing crunches.. just get moving. Or take your kids to the lake or pool, they'd love splashing around and swimming is one of the best exercises for working your whole body. I know friends who do weight watchers and it works for them but beware of the weigh-ins which can be intimidating. Good luck and don't forget to give yourself a break, you've got three kids.. that is no small task.

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answers from Chattanooga on

Weight Watchers is great. My husband and I use them, and we have lost. It is a very easy lifestyle change and you can get anything you want. This diet works on a point system that is very easy.

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answers from Clarksville on

My husband works alot too and it leaves little time for mommy huh? Have you considered your local ymca? If the cost and atmosphere of a gym intimidates you this is the place. The kids will beg you to go everyday, there are very few people with "muscle&fitness" bodys, and it's usually income based. guess what kept me motivated? Well, besides the pleading of little ones! NO phone, no messes to clean up, no arguments to dissolve, no MOMMYYYYYYYYY!, no housekeeping! Just YOU, blocking out the world with the earphones to your fav. music, doing something for YOU! Did you know a brisk walk on the treadmill actually releases happy endorphines! It will make all the difference in the world in how you feel and it kills some of the time your hubby is gone. Worked for me! good luck sister!

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answers from Chattanooga on

Hey N....good to hear I'm not the only one!! I finally had enough and joined Weight Watchers in Chattanooga. They have locations all around this area. It helps you make the right choices with what you eat and makes you accountable for everything you put in your mouth...good or bad. It a slow process but I've lost 6 pounds with a goal of 25. Let me know if you decide to join...maybe we can try to go to the same meetings :) Good luck and remember...these babies were well worht it!!

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answers from Nashville on

Weight Watchers worked great for me when I was trying to lose weight before my wedding.

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answers from Augusta on

Dear N.

I understand your concern. My advice to you would first be to love yourself unconditionally. Look at yourself in the mirror and love your body just the way it is now. If you do not love who you are now it will be hard to convince yourself to lose weight. Then focus on losing weight. Joining a Weight Watchers or a group would be very helpful because you would have other women who would encourage you. As you are working out a plan to lose weight keep setting goals for yourself and reward yourself when you meet them, for example say you want to lose 5 pounds in one week and when you do treat yourself with something you like say frozen yogurt or a new clothing, something that will motivate you. Also as you are going on your diet keep telling yourself that you are losing weight. It will feel funny to say it at first but when you start training your mind your body will follow. And do it CONSTANTLY.
I am sure Weight Watchers has a plan or program for you to follow but call them and ask questions.

Remember it took you 9 months to gain the weight so do not expect to lose it all over night. And one more thing, those supermodels on the cover of magazines and on tv are not perfect and you do not have to look like them to be happy. Don't let the media lie to you and make you think you need to look like that to be happy.
Besides you are already a supermom with the four biggest fans any women would dream of.
Good luck on that diet and I know you will make it happen.

J. G

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answers from Nashville on

I love weight watchers! It is the only way I can loose weight. How did you find out your insurance would pay for it?

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