I also do transcription work on the side. I enjoy it also but after two days of steadily typing, my hands and wrists can begin to ache. I wear supports on both wrists. You're lucky you get paid so quickly. Sometimes that's a problem for me. If I have a court order for my services, it takes 6 weeks for the county to cut me a check. On private pay, I've learned to get a deposit and to charge late fees. Like you said, the transcriptionist gets stiffed if the money runs out!
I used to do it to make up for part of my salary because I was cut from full time to part time. Now that I have a full time job again, I still do it on the side. It's nice to have that little extra occasionally. Sometimes I'm really busy, other times nothing. Like now, I haven't had a side job for about 2 months. But that's okay. I enjoy having my weekends.
See, that's the thing. If you do transcribe on the side, your evenings and weekends are tied up. After working a 40 hour week, I have to literally FORCE myself to go in and work on the transcription stuff. And a lot of times I feel guilty because I don't have any time to spend with my hubby and GD.
If I could stay home and strictly do transcription full time, I would. You can make your own hours so you are free to do things with the kids during the day and then work when they're in bed. The faster you get, the more money you'll make as you know. Right now I type about 90 wpm so I'm very fast so it is really a good gig for me!