My beagle was the greatest family dog EVER. He did shed a lot (though nowhere near as much as my current dog), and he barked occasionally (but so do all dogs) and he was hard to train and he would run away (beagles follow their noses) - but he was funny and happy and cute and hilarious and was the most reliable dog with children. I *loved* my beagle.
The best dog that I ever owned was a 1/2 Golden Retriever, 1/4 Border Collie, 1/4 Springer spaniel mix. He was truly an incredible dog that I could trust around children, big enough to be intimidating to strangers (though I never even heard him growl), funny, easily trainable, and overall just a wonderful dog. But, he was big and shed constantly. And he would herd other dogs, which was always funny at the dog park.
The type of dog that you're looking for sounds like perhaps a Bichon or a Bichon/Shih Tzu mix - they don't shed, but you have to get them groomed. They're small, happy, doesn't bark much, and is extremely friendly.
There are all kinds of web sites where you answer some questions and it recommends dog breeds that fit your lifestyle. I would say that you and your husband should each take 5 or 6 of them, and see which breeds seem to consistently rise to the top for both of you, and then which breeds overlap.
In choosing my current dog, I explored quite a few of them. Here are a few of my favorites:
(Both the Iams and Eukanuba sites give me some really weird breeds that I had never heard of - but they're at least worth considering. The other sites consistently give me the same 10 or so breeds.
I currently have a Jack Russell/Pug mix. I would *NOT* recommend this dog for anyone with small children. He sheds constantly, is very dominant and can be aggressive, and needs a *minimum* of 6-8 hours of activity a day in order to be tired. We adopted him with the idea that he was a Beagle/pug mix - but he is not. Note if you are adopting a dog (which you should definitely consider) - that you cannot know for sure by the way that the dog looks. In particular, the pug mixes (which are popular now) pretty much all look alike. :) I am not a terrier person, so I have had to do some adjusting to accommodate my dog's needs. On the other hand, he has turned out to be exactly what I needed (though I had no idea). He is hilarious and cuddly and makes me laugh. And I have learned a lot from my dog.
I also second the person who suggested that you look into RAGOM. They are an incredible organization that will work with you to find an ideal Golden Retriever, or golden mix.
Interestingly, I disagree with the people that recommended that you get a female. I have always found males to be more placid, sweet, and interested in doing what you want them to. They also have the added benefit of not burning your grass with their urine. There are solid biological reasons why males tend to be friendlier - when you look across the animal kingdom, the females tend to be more aggressive, protective, and overall snarky because they have to protect their young.
Good luck and I hope your family finds the perfect dog! Dogs are such a great addition to your home and your family.