Need Recommendation for a Colon/Bowel Cleanse

Updated on June 21, 2010
K.W. asks from Parkville, MD
6 answers

I am thinking about doing a colon cleanse, but don't know which one to try. I have done research online and there are thousands of different products. Anyone have any personal experience doing a colon cleanse? Good and bad feedback would be helpful!

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answers from Denver on

From what I've read, the best "cleanse" is to drink lots of water - add lemon if you like, and just eat veggies and fruit for one day - fasting, water only is really the best. I am a huge fan of probiotics on a regular basis too. I don't believe colon cleanses really do much more that make you poop.... just my two cents!

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answers from Washington DC on

Hello. I'm not sure where you live, but I actually get colon cleanses periodically (colonics) at a wonderful place in Rockville/Gaithersburg area called Relaxing Alternatives. Their colon cleanse expert, Denese Scott, has been "cleaning colons" for many years and can go over options with you. I usually purchase a 3-session cleanse which saves $$$. Why is it worth it? This method is by far superior in achieving results than any of the at home products you ingest and it is completely safe. Give her a call to discuss before you decide anything. She is a font of knowledge on the subject. PS Whatever you do, be sure to take a very high quality probiotic after you cleanse to restore you intestinal flora. Best of luck. D.

P.S. DM writes below that colon cleanses only make you "poop". Not so, DM!!!!!!!! Colonics remove (if they are done correctly) often years of old fecal matter which has adhered to the intestinal wall. This does several things. It releases toxins and it prevents absorption bf the bowel and more. Give it a try!

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answers from Washington DC on

A friend of mine swears by Dr. Natura. She says stay close to home after taking it.

However, I do agree with the the mom that suggested a one day fast, or raw fast.

I take metamucil, or Fiber Choice every day, and eat 4 dried mission figs, and it works well on an daily basis. I also eat some yogurt each day.

Finally, I have tried colonics, and there is a women in Woodlawn, Joan Jones, who used to have a practice. She was very kind and professional.



answers from Atlanta on

I have done a million cleanses over the years. Recently, I tried "The clean program". It is the best one I have ever done. Worth every penny and not that hard to do. Best part is you don't go around starving and it is a great colon cleanse and they have an amazing support staff and web family. Check it out:


I have done a million cleanses over the years. Recently, I tried "The clean program". It is the best one I have ever done. Worth every penny and not that hard to do. Best part is you don't go around starving and it is a great colon cleanse and they have an amazing support staff and web family. Check it out:



answers from Washington DC on

I don't know if this actually 'cleanses,' but I love Cod Liver Oil - it really helps!!


answers from Washington DC on

the master cleanse is brilliant at removing all the old clogged-up material from your colon walls. and you feel like a million bucks at the end. and it doesn't cost anything except the price of organic lemons and maple syrup.
it's a godawful miserable hellish 10 days.
but it works.

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