Listen to your daughter, don't be so quick to classify what she is saying as a lie, and stop and evaluate what is going on. First, she is talking to you. That is the first step. When I was 9, I had a teacher that would yell at the students. She threw chalk and erasers at them. I couldn't stand her, and also knew that nothing would be done. Other children had complained and nothing was done. So, I ignored her. We were on a military base school over seas, and the teachers were treated like gold. Since I was ignoring her, and did not answer her etc, she made me sit in the front of the class in the front row in front of the blackboard. I still ignored her and did not talk to her. I was sent to get a hearing eval and a vision eval. Both were perfect. The Dr asked me what was going on at school, in front of my mom. I told him just how horrid this teacher was. This had been going on for almost 4 months or so. The Dr told my mum to get me out of her class now, she went to the principle, it was an act of Congress to get me moved. I had lost 4 months of school because of this woman.
Is your child getting harrassed in the classroom? Does she get along w/ other children? Are other children complaining of the same things? Can you take some time and go watch on the playground to see what is happening there? Can you ask kids/parents who had this teacher last year if there were any problems? Is there a school counselor you can talk to and have your daughter talk to?
My son did not talk about what was going on at school, and a lot was happening, none of it good. We got fed up with some of the classroom instruction (our son gave too much information on an answer, was marked wrong because the information was not asked for, (on a Thursday), and then the next Tuesday that information was taught anb marked ok. Who on earth marks a child wrong for too much information in 3rdGrade?!). We pulled our son, this was a private, well respected school here in San Antonio, and placed him in a small Montessori school where he is thriving. After we left, we have learned of so much more that was going on, some bullying by higher grades on the 3rd grade, some mean things that were done and said to my son and others, and none of it is acceptable. My son did not keep track of work, folders, or anything because he was tuning the teacher out since, in his humble opinion, she was mean, ineffective, and not too smart. Well, this teacher had been there for 25 years, was well respected, and no one was wanting to listen to a 3rd graders opinion. My son's IQ is over 120, he is too bright, and does not tolerate fools easily. So, he did what he could do...he ignored her and the other bullying children. Result, unhappy child, unhappy school. We're gone, we're happier, the school, well , they have more problems. So, listen to your daughter. Ask and ask and ask. Can you watch the class room unseen? Don't just dismiss what she is saying.