I was somewhat in your situation once upon a time. I needed to exercise to loose my weight from my first child but by the time he was 3 years old I was insanely tired still and I could have slept the whole day. I started taking some high end vitamins (ask me offline if you are interested--I'm not selling them though) and all in a sudden I had the energy to exercise and I did not need the naps anymore. Then I had #2 and I had problems getting back into my exercise routine though I still took the vitamins and I did not feel as tiered as before but not really energetic either. Then I found through being a member of www.flylady.net (great web site for all sorts of issues) out about a virtual personal trainer. He has the greatest phiolosophy that might help you in conjunction with vitamins. Start really slow and don't look in the rear view mirror. His web site is www.momentumfs.com He has some free workouts listed on the left hand site and you can become a member in his yahoo group or the offspring support yahoo group to keep you going. I have exercised since the begining of this year pretty consistently. Right now I average about 4.5 workouts per week (at the begining more like 3 and now about 6). The best program I've tried. And what I like best is that after starting slow he things everthing more than 30 min workout is unrealistic in thes fast pace world of nowadays and that's why I was able to keep going. 30 min in realistic. 1 hour I really don't have with 2 kids, or I might have it but I'm not willing to spend more time for exercising.
P.S. If you have more questions don't hesitate to e-mail back.