Hi J.,
Maybe you should try not arguing at all. Maybe TELL her in a firm voice that this is what she WILL do (don't ever ask, but tell) and if she doesn't do it then you'll be taking something of hers away, or you & her will stand there until she does it.
According to my husband, I have OCD - I just think it's more of - I came from a very neat clean family & his family is a pack of slobs =0) but whatever - either way, I can sympathize with your need for neatness & organization.
designate one room for clothes changing - have her get dressed in the bathroom - that way dirty clothes go straight into the hamper? or have her get dressed in her bedroom & keep a small pop up hamper in there? my boys get dressed in their rooms, but before they can put their clean clothes on, they go throw their dirty clothes in the hamper - works great for me!
// as for toys - that'll never end - I keep a laundry basket (a big one) & whenever toys get out of control - I tell my boys that they don't have to put them away where they belong JUST YET - but they DO have to put all the toys that are out in the basket (and then we sort them at a later time - before bed we play the game - where does this belong? and i pass them the toy(s) & they put it in the place it should go - that way it's supervised & it goes in the right spot - they love it)
// Shoes - well I had a HUGE problem with this myself - we were constantly losing shoes/ stepping on shoes / dog chewing shoes that were under the table - SOOOO I bought a shoe tray (cheap & easy to clean or bang outside when needed) & leave it by the front door. EVERY SINGLE time we went out - that's where the kids put their shoes on. And EVERY SINGLE time we came home - that's where the boys took their shoes off! I had to remind them every time we walked in the house (hey, you're going in & out with them - so you're right there & can help if necessary )- and that was at the beginning of last school year when we started - by thanksgiving, my now 6 yr old was doing it w/o even thinking & by spring my soon to be 4 yr old had it down with no problem. Now any house we go to - my boys take off their shoes right by the persons front door when they come inside. My friends LOVE IT!!!
As far as hygiene goes - no kid likes to have sunscreen put on them - but they have no choice - if you ignore the tantrum or whatever it is she pulls - & just hum a nice song while you put the sunscreen on - again completely ignoring her behavior - it'll end - and soon.
You definitely need to put your foot down & remember that YOU are the parent - she's not. She's testing your limits & you need to lay down the law & stick to it. You're home with them - take advantage of that. I'm a stay at home mom too.
Um, for the hair & teeth & things - my son always wants to do things like that himself - so i, fortunantly don't have that problem - however ... my sister-in-law does ... so she did all those things FOR her daughter & told her that she must still be a baby cause big girls do this stuff themselves - but babies dont - they need their mommy to do it. Well that ticked her off enough to pull the toothbrush out of her mom's hand to show her she was, indeed, a big girl! (She used that for everything! hair brushing, washing up in tub, getting dressed, etc)
So, just some ideas - I know this was a long response - I apologize. But good luck & STICK WITH IT - that's my only true advice - whatever you decide - you have to be strong & stick with it.
Good luck & God Bless
C. B.