For those saying it's illegal:
I just looked up MN seat laws here (We travel a lot, I have to look up seat laws all the time)
and also the actual statute (link on the bottom of the page)
In MN it's completely legal to have her up front AS LONG AS she's in her booster or carseat (which brings her up to a height that means the airbag will not blind her or break her neck).
Most statutes (in states that DO require back seat placement) also have a 'common sense' clause. Meaning if it's a car/truck with no back seat, it's legal. If the back seat is dangerous, it's legal. If the back seat is full, it's legal. The phrase in those (like mine) usually reads "whenever practical".
MN is VERY strict about requiring a car seat or booster up to 4'9" (or age 8), "regardless of seat position" but it has no requirements as to FF children needing to be in the back seat. The caveats (aka carseat restrictions lifted) are pretty standard: Ambulances, Busses, Taxi's, & Farm equipment. All others are required to be in seats "regardless of seat position" until they are over 4'9" or 8 years old.
As far as SAFETY goes, you want your tallest child in the front seat. The danger with airbags and short people/ children is that the blast of hot air blinds short people when it's deployed.