Need a Good Book for Toddler's Sleep

Updated on February 27, 2009
S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh, PA
6 answers

Still having some sleep issues ((sigh)).
Any book(s) that you found particularily effective for toddlers (I seem to own all of the ones on infants lol).
As always, thanks so much! :)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Dr Ferber's Solving your child's sleep problems has ideas for all ages. I have used it like a handbook for both of my boys at all different stages and with all different issues. It is FANTASTIC and has saved my marriage too I am pretty sure!!!! No one is happy when no one is sleeping!!! Good luck to you, it will get better once you start some intervention. Most of Ferber's methods only take a few nights. In some cases with my boys, it only took one!



answers from Scranton on

S.- Great question. I swore by Weissbluth "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" for babies. He has chapters on older children but I have a 2 year old that won't stay in bed. Need more help. LOL
Thanks for the question!



answers from Scranton on

Try Elizabeth Pantley's books.
I thought they were GREAT!



answers from Philadelphia on

The Sleepeasy Solution by Jennifer Waldburger worked wonders for us and a few people I know!



answers from Philadelphia on

I 2nd Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.


answers from Williamsport on

hey, S.,
With my kids it's always food food food. If they haven't eaten enough during the day, they wake up hungry at night or super early in the morning. I didn't hear what your specific issues were, but this always helps you know they don't "need" anything in the middle of the night. I think the 'On Becoming Baby Wise' series has a toddler book, and the infant one worked great for me as for getting the babies programmed for a good night sleep.
My daughter isn't usually allowed naps anymore-which isn't easy during the droopy part of the day, but otherwise she's up way too late. I always have to make sure she gets a lot of exercise at some point during the day no matter what the weather to insure she's tired at night. Good luck getting some zzzz's soon!

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