Need a Baby Girl's Name

Updated on June 24, 2010
M.R. asks from Sayreville, NJ
15 answers

Hi Alla:
Can anyone suggest a beautiful first girl name. I like biblical an unique names. I really had hard time to become pregnant and I would said that this happens by a miracle of God, so if there is any name that means "miracle" or an special gift from God.
Thank you in advance for your help!!!

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Thanks everyone for your help. I'll review it and see what is the best once.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Karis or sometimes spelled Carys means Grace in Hebrew, my favorite name right now is Jocelyn, don't now what it means but my mom's name is Joyce(because she was a joy) and it would be after her(if i had another girl).

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answers from Houston on

I love Jacquelyn's suggestions!

When I read her's, right away I said Eliana Grace!!! What a beautiful name. And of course when she's little I would call her Ellie :-).

Good luck,

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answers from Atlanta on

I love the name "Naomi" from the Bible. I don't know what it means, but I like it! I also love Miriam, which would be REALLY close to your own name!

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answers from Fayetteville on

I love the name Grace or Gracie!!!

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answers from Fort Wayne on

Abigail- Father's joy
Amaris- promised by God
Arella- angel; messenger
Betty- consecrated to God
Beth- house of God
Daliah- branch
Dara- compassionate
Deborah- bee (prophetess in Bible)
Dinah- vindicated (daughter of Jacob & Leah)
Eden- delightful
Eleora- the Lord is my light
Eliana- my God has answered me
Elizabeth- consecrated to God ( mother of John the Baptist)
Esther- star
Eve- life
Gilana- joyful
Hannah- gracious ( mother of Samuel)
Jane- God is gracious
Jessica- wealthy
Joelle- God is willing
Jolene- God will add, God will increase
Joshlyn- God is my salvation
Judith- praised
Kayla- laurel; crown
Leah- weary (wife of Jacob)
Marilyn- Mary's decendants
Mary- bitter; sea of bitterness
Mattea- gift of God
Meira- light
Michaela (Mikayla)- who is like God?
Miriam- bitter
Moriah- God is my teacher (Mount Moriah in bible)
Nasya- miracle
Nina- form of Hannah; girl in Spanish; Native American for mighty
R.- female sheep ( Jacob's wife)
Rebecca- tied; bound (Isaac's wife)
Ruth- friendship (Naomi's friend)
Samantha- told by God
Sarah- princess ( Abraham's wife & Isaac's mother)
Shayna- beautiful
Simone- She heard
Tamara - palm tree
ok not all of these names are in the Bible but they are all Hebrew names

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answers from New York on

Naysa is the biblical name which means "Miracle of God".

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answers from New York on

I found these on

Angelica - messenger of god
Abrielle - god is my strength
Eliana - god has answered (i like that one)
Grace - grace of god

Those are the one's I liked. If you go to and then go to advanced search and look for the meaning, you will get something. Good luck, hope I could help.


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answers from Chicago on


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answers from Portland on

Do you have any strong female figures you would like to honor? Maybe a variation of their name would add importance to your own miracle. My mom died early from breast cancer. I always thought that I'd use her name in my little girl's name which I did. mom's name was Linda and my little girl is Amalinda.


answers from Dallas on

While it's not biblical, I LOVE the name Paisley. Very unique and sweet. :)


answers from Davenport on

How about Lydia? It is a biblical name and I love it. I named my first born Lydia. Pelia means miracle of God. Milagros means miracles.



answers from Cleveland on

I'm not pregnant or anything but am always looking up baby names for the fun of it. LOL. My husband is polish and wants to have a polish name for one of our children so I came across this name by searching polish names. It is also from other origins as well. But I really like the name Janalee (or Jannalee) ... definitely unique. It is a variant of Jana and if you look it up I think the Hebrew meaning of it is "God is gracious" or "God's grace." Good luck & congrats!!



answers from Dallas on

My daughters are Aeris Kailynn and Sorsha Amaranth. I also like sahara Rose (my friends daughter), and Larissa. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

We also went with biblical names. We searched high and low for the perfect names. We made lists of all the meanings we loved. Here is a list of meanings similar to what you're looking for. Congrats!!!

All these mean Given by God:

Nuria (the Lord's light)
Lesham (precious)
Rona (my joy)
Aldora (noble gift)
Talia (dew of heaven)
Jaina (gift of God)
Natania (gift from God)
Rena (joyous song)
Semira (from God)
Zemira (song of joy)

Jensina (God has blessed)


answers from Sioux City on

Ok, I am not sure what faith you are. As a Catholic, we name kids after Saints. I love St. Gianna Molla. She was a doctor who became pregnant and then was diagnosed with cancer. She knew she may not survive if she continued the pregnancy. She chose to carry her child. The child lived and Gianna died. The name is pronounced soft G. The "I" makes the long "e" sound. The "a's" make the ah sound as in father.

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