My Son Will Not Nap

Updated on October 06, 2006
S.S. asks from Meriden, CT
12 answers

My son, who is 14 months old, will not nap in the afternoon unless I lay down with him. He has no problem getting to sleep and sleeping for 11-12 hours at night but will fight his naps during the day. Do I let him cry it out for a couple of days for his nap? I need help. I feel during the day he gets super cranky and is in need of a nap but will fight it.

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So What Happened?

Well it has been about two weeks now. I have developed a afternoon nap routine, similar to our night routine, and put him in the crib. Somedays he lays down or just plays in it....and somedays he cries on and off for 30 minutes. I make him stay though for that time. I am better off for it and so is he. I think it will work itself out as long as I stick to the routine. Thanks for all the advice.

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answers from Hartford on

I have the same thing going on with my son. I am a stay at home mom and during the day he is NOT interested in being anywhere near his crib to take a nap. I have to lay down with him in order for him to fall asleep. But at night it is a different story, he is READY to be in bed by himself. Try when you are home letting him cry it out, eventually my son tires himself out and falls asleep. I beleive it is important for them to have "quiet" time in their room for a few hours s day...sleeping, reading in bed, or playing quietly, whatever works go with it. But remember you are not the only one frustrated with this. I think it is common, take a deep breath.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boston on

Here is an article on Sleeping Through the Night/Middle of the Night Feeding:

Getting Baby to Sleep Through the Night: All babies will fall asleep eventually. Some just need a little more help than others.
By Barbara Solomon

Pulling Baby out of the Crib
Up to the time he was 10 months old, my son David had always been a good sleeper. Then my family moved into a new house, and all of a sudden, all bets were off. He began waking two, sometimes three times a night. I was sure he was just unsettled by the change and would return to his old ways soon. But after we tried every trick in the book only to suffer more sleepless nights, we caved in. One night when he called out, I scooped him up and brought him into our bed. We all slept soundly, and I was feeling pretty good -- until I spoke with a friend later that morning.

"Don't you know that you've opened a can of worms?" she scolded. "Now you'll never get him back into his crib!"

Picturing endless sleepless nights ahead, I panicked, and it's no wonder. Getting a baby to sleep consistently through the night can seem like the ultimate unattainable goal. But after I spent just a few nights leaving my son in his crib when he cried for me and gently encouraging him -- "You're okay, David, just go back to sleep!" -- from the hallway, he quickly resumed his old sleep habits. And experts say that with some patience and effort, most parents will be able to solve their child's sleeping problems, too.

The Impossible Dream
During the first weeks of life, you can't expect a baby to sleep through the night. In fact, there is no typical sleeping pattern for newborns; the only thing you can count on is that they sleep around the clock for varying periods, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. So why can't they sleep consistently for long periods? Blame it all on biology. An immature brain is the primary reason.

"People have a genetic timing mechanism in their brain that controls sleep, and it takes time for that mechanism to develop," explains Marc Weissbluth, MD, professor of clinical pediatrics at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago, and author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (Ballantine, 1999). "Think of it like eye color: Babies are born with a genetic predisposition to a certain eye color, but it takes time for that color to be expressed."

A need to feed is another factor. Many experts believe that newborn babies have to eat frequently, particularly breastfed babies: There's no way to tell how much a breastfed baby is eating at each feeding, so breastfeeding mothers may be more likely to fully awaken a stirring baby to feed.

Bottlefed babies, on the other hand, may sleep for longer periods because formula takes longer to digest and leaves baby feeling fuller longer. "But babies who have birth defects and are fed continuously by tube for the first several weeks of life show the same process of sleep maturation as other babies," notes Dr. Weissbluth. He believes that ultimately, "Sleep comes from the brain, not the stomach."

Regardless of studies and experts, until she is at least 6 weeks old, a newborn baby will undoubtedly wake several times during the night. Around the 6-week mark, many babies show subtle signs of organizing their sleep. They may get drowsy at 6 or 7 p.m. and may sleep at night for consecutive blocks of four hours or more.

At about 3 months, most can adhere to a sleep schedule that includes a morning nap, an afternoon nap, and two or more longer blocks of sleep at night. According to a poll of primary caregivers by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), a nonprofit organization, by 9 months some 70 to 80 percent of babies are sleeping a straight 9 to 12 hours every night.

That's great news -- unless yours is one of the 20 to 30 percent of babies who don't sleep so well. "My son was a horrible sleeper!" recalls Lisa Henahan of Peachtree City, Georgia. "Until he was 15 months, he would sleep for an hour and a half and then wake for an hour -- all night long!"

If your nights sound similar, rest assured, these tips can help parents solve a range of stubborn sleep problems.

Sleep Tight, Baby
To exhausted parents it seems that there are as many sleep issues as there are children. But most babies fall into the following categories:

"My 2-month-old son sleeps all day and is up all night."
A common phenomenon during the early weeks of life, day-night reversals often clear up with a little time and a lot of daylight. Try exposing your baby to bright light or sunshine in the morning hours and keep the lights dim in the evening. It also helps to move your baby to a busy part of the house throughout the day, play with him during the daytime, and wake him for daytime feedings.

Then, keep your interactions with him quiet and subdued at night. As babies approach the age of 6 weeks, they begin to respond more to environmental cues, so it helps to have a bedtime routine such as a bath and a song. It may take several weeks, and a baby this young still probably won't sleep through the night, but he may consolidate his sleep into two large blocks at night.

"My 7-month-old daughter won't sleep through the night. Why?"
From around 6 months on, a baby should be able to make it through the night without a middle-of-the-night feeding and without waking his parents. But that doesn't mean he's sleeping all those hours. The term "sleeping through the night" is misleading, points out Lawrence Balter, PhD, professor of applied psychology at New York University, in New York, and editor of Parenthood in America: An Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2000). "All people -- including babies -- wake and put themselves back to sleep several times a night without realizing it," he says. "That's something babies need to learn to do."

Some kids learn on their own; others need a little help. There are several ways to teach your baby to soothe himself to sleep. Most of them involve listening to some crying. So how do you stay focused amid the tears? Remember that crying isn't going to harm your baby. And the reward -- a good night's sleep for all -- is worth a few teary nights.

The Ferber Method
"My neighbor has recommended the Ferber method to help my 6-month-old sleep through the night. What is it?"
This method was developed by pediatric sleep expert Richard Ferber, MD, author of Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems (Simon & Schuster, 1986). He advises parents to check periodically on their baby when she awakens at night. Here's a sketch of how it works: On the first night, when you hear your baby cry, you go in, give her a reassuring pat, and then leave. If she's crying 5 minutes later, you repeat the process, but this time you wait 10 minutes before going in, increasing the time in five-minute increments. The second night, you start at 10 minutes. Dr. Ferber's system has worked for many families.

"We're trying the Ferber method for my 7-month-old, but I can't stand the crying. Is there another, less drastic way to sleep-train my baby?"
There are also ways of making gradual changes within the routine you already have, notes Jodi Mindell, PhD, associate director of the Sleep Disorders Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and author of Sleeping Through the Night (HarperCollins, 1997). If you've been putting your baby to sleep by rocking her in a chair, for example, start by just sitting in the chair together. "Then choose the next step -- putting your baby in his crib and holding his hand.

"A few days later, you can sit three feet away from your child's bed," Mindell says. Within a few weeks, you should be able to work yourself out of the bedroom.

"We've tried the Ferber method. My 6-month-old becomes enraged every time we go in to soothe him. Any suggestions?"
Some children respond better to a cold-turkey approach. If your baby cries, you don't go in her room (some parents call reassuringly from the hall). This is not for the faint of heart, and, as Balter points out, is better for younger babies. An 8-month-old may be able to sit or stand in her crib, which makes it hard for her to settle down if her calls aren't answered.

More Sleep Issues
"My 9-month-old insists on a 3 a.m. feeding. How can I get her to give it up?"
For many parents, a final obstacle to an uninterrupted night is that middle-of-the-night feeding. If your baby no longer needs to be fed at night (check with your pediatrician to be sure), simply stop giving him the bottle or breast when he calls for it. Alternatively, you can use a sequence of progressive steps, which might include offering him diluted formula or breast milk for a few nights and then gradually replacing it with water. He may not find it as appealing as milk, and, subsequently, won't cry for it.

"My 10-month-old son used to sleep through the night, but lately he's been waking up all the time."
Chances are, there's been some change, however subtle, in your child's routine. Everything from a vacation to an illness to an overnight guest can disrupt a young child's sleep schedule and cause her to awaken and need comforting. Some parents report that developmental milestones, such as learning to walk or use the potty, can also upset sleep patterns.

"When a child takes a developmental leap forward, neurons are firing and there are probably connections being made in the brain," says Mindell. "It's no wonder their sleep is disrupted." Most babies are also keen on practicing their new skills; when they wake in the night, sleep takes second place to getting up on all fours or babbling.

At times like this, you may need to repeat old steps, such as sitting in your baby's room for a few nights and gradually working your way back out. But don't despair; experts say children with established good sleep patterns will return to them pretty quickly.

"How can I get my 8-month-old to go to sleep at the same time every night?"
If your baby isn't sleepy at the same time every night, her daytime sleep routine may need tweaking. "Make sure to wake her at the same time each morning, keep naptimes consistent, and avoid letting baby nap after 4 p.m. A reasonable bedtime for a baby this age is around 7 or 7:30 p.m. If she wakes from a nap at 5:30, she's not going to be sleepy enough to go to bed then," says Mindell.

One strategy to avoid, however, is shortening her naps in the hope that this will make her sleepier at night. The fact is, overtired children have a hard time falling asleep. And evidence shows that babies aren't getting enough sleep as it is. Many experts recommend that infants ages 3 to 11 months get 14 to 15 hours of sleep daily, but according to the NSF poll, most babies get fewer than 13 hours.

Even if you've succeeded in creating a great sleeper, remember that every child occasionally has wakeful periods. When this happens, reassure yourself that you're not going to be sleepless forever. Says Peggy Nona, a Rochester, Minnesota, mother with two school-age girls, "I used to worry about getting them to bed at night; now I worry about getting them out in the morning!"

Barbara Solomon is a mother of three and a writer in Scarsdale, New York.

Originally published in American Baby magazine, July 2004.

In addition to that....

A local parenting coach wrote this:

I know that Dr. Ferber is less strict than he used to be about getting kids to sleep. However, his techniques are still very useful for kids that have actually taught themselves to stay up and/or to demand/expect a parent to be with them until they actually fall asleep. Also watch one of the Nanny TV shows for examples of being firm yet loving with setting limits.

Briefly, the basic idea is that you (1) stop paying any attention to your child after their bedtime--no hugs, kisses, stories and no yelling either. Just make believe they are little critters that you are putting back where they belong. and then, if necessary (2) let them cry themselves to sleep. Also, and actually first, develop a bedtime routine and STICK TO IT! Letting them cry is very hard, and against some people's principles. What we did when my daughter was little (she is now 21) was put her to bed with the musical mobile playing. If she was still crying when the music stopped (less than 5 minutes) we would go in to her. This happened very rarely. I felt that a short period of crying was not a trauma and having her go to sleep on her own was a learned response. It worked and we had very few bedtime hassles.

Good luck,

Coach and parent
Marion C. Bloch, Psy. D.



answers from Boston on

I am not sure how old your son is, but my son gave up his nap about 3 months ago. He will be 2 1/2 in October. He was fighting going down for a nap even if I laid down with him. Maybe it's time to stop the nap during the day.



answers from Philadelphia on

Is he sleeping through the night or has he started to wake up during the night too? It could be that he is getting his molars in? Or maybe there is to much excitement and he would rather play? If you feel comfortable letting him cry it out, I would do that. If not just make him do quiet time during his nap time. Make him stay in his room(or where ever he may nap) and play quietly. Or have him lay and watch a movie or something like that. Good luck!



answers from Lancaster on

I second what Toni said. If you keep up this pattern you'll be doing it for quite a while. Don't set the stage for problems down the line.

I am a firm believer in small children needing naps. So put him down for one - alone. I would let him cry a bit and be cranky. Check on him once or twice, but just long enough to tuck him back in, kissing him goodnight (goodnap? lol), etc., and then leave.
Even at that age, they catch on quickly enough - he'll be asleep soon enough.



answers from Philadelphia on

S., my son is 4 and he stopped taking naps at the age of 3. You didnt mention your childs age. But if my son didnt want to nap, I didnt force the issue. He will sleep if he is tired. If not, give him books to look at or playdough to play with while the other is naping. Good luck. D..



answers from San Francisco on

You might not want to hear this, but he may be done with afternoon naps. I was napping in kindergarten, acutally sleeping when everyone was supposed to "rest". My sister however, I have been told, stopped napping at like 18 months I think. I don't know how old your son is, but if he is sleeeping so long at night, he might be okay.

I have been trying different napping schedules with my son. He had been taking two 2-4 hour naps a day, then one day stopped taking the morning one. If we go out for a walk in the morning or for a long drive, he will still fall asleep at the time he used to take the nap, but I can't get him to sleep in his bed. It wasn't worth the fight. So, now it is just one 3-5 hour nap in the afternoon.

You might want to ask the pastor's wife to not lay down with him either, if you decide to not do it, so that there is some consistency. I know that makes it difficult for the person watching your son, but I always try to think about that I am the mom and I should be worried about my child's needs first. Sometimes "quiet time" is also effective, so that they don't have to sleep, but they can look at books. It gives everyone a little peace.

Good luck, hope I was a little helpful at least


answers from San Diego on

How old is your child? Some children just don't need naps during the day. My oldest son stopped taking naps around 11 months old, but he slept from 8pm to 8am everyday so he still got plenty of rest. There is no need to force it. If you think that the problem is that your babysitter is laying down with your son than ask her to stop. I am sure she will respect your wishes.



answers from Rochester on

when my daughter turned two she would not nap unless I layed down as well. Her nap time was my time to relax so I really wanted her to nap. So I started to let her have what we called moms quite time. she sat on the couch with one of her stuffed animals and I would read her one book and then she had to be quite till i told her quite time was over. It worked for us. Maybe something like this could work for you as well.



answers from Washington DC on

My advice is pretty much the same as pamela's. How old is your child. If he is a certain age he only requires 11 to 12 hours of sleep. If you do not see any affects of sleep deprevation I would not force him into a nap. If he gets tired he will fall asleep.



answers from New York on

My problem is similar to yours. My son does not take a nap anymore! He does not go to sleep unless mommy or daddy puts him to sleep another probelm i have is trying to get him to sleep by himself.



answers from New York on


Unless you want to have to deal with problems down the road, don't lay down with you son. Trust me, I did it with my 4th child at bedtime and it took me until my 5th child was born and a few months old to break the habit, plus he screamed for hours every night for a few months. If your pastor's wife chooses to do so in her house that is her choice, your house is a different story. Depending how old your son is will make it easier. One other thing, my 1st and 3rd children never napped, yet they slept 12 hours a night from the time they were a few months old.


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