I'm sorry to hear this kid is causing your family all this stress, it's a shame when your child has a friend who can be horrid. Firstly, I would definitly suggest that he not spend any more time over at this friends home, unless the father (who must be the disiplinarian) is home. It may mean having to awkwardly explain to the Mom of this kid that you're not comfortable with how your son behaves when he gets home after being at their house - but just keep reminding yourself that YOUR family comes first and all your doing is whats best for YOUR family. Treading around anyone elses feelings just takes a back seat to looking out for YOUR children first. And when this kid is in your home, tell him you have rules and lay them down. NO being mean, NO namecalling, NO excluding others. And if these rules are violated, he goes home and your son comes inside. And stick to it, if they're outside playing and one of your other children comes in complaining, bustle your son inside and send the other one home, explaining why. Remember M., it may be hard to have to distance your son from this friend of his, but this is for his own good. YOUR family comes first, ALWAYS. I recently had a friend (a good friend) that I had to cut off contact with because of her son. It was hard, but MY family comes first. Sorry this was so long, but I hope this helps. Good luck!! :)