my son will not eat from the bottle he is 2.5 months old. and i go back to work in two days. can so one please help me? that would be so nice. thank you so much. J.
Have you tried different nipples? My DD didn't like the latex kind, but she loves the silicone kind. i thought she would like the kind that looked and felt more like the breast, but she honestly just likes the clear regular playtex nipples. Try a few different types of bottles...she may like one more than the rest. :)
Yes, could be a case of trying different bottles and teats, but remember he just loved the comfort of feeding from you so why would he want something from an "artificial vessel". It takes more work for him to suck from a bottle. He will get hungry enough that he WILL cave in eventually and drink from the bottle.
He will when he gets hungry enough-but his detrement is not worth it-stay home until he makes the adjustment without losing nourishment. I know this sounds easy for me to say when you need the income so mush that you would leave a three month old to go to work-are you able to work from home a little or take him with you? Is there something your family could do without-at least for a little while? Think about it.Good luck!
did you try different bottles and nipples? Keep trying. Maybe they will get him to take a bottle at daycare. Sometimes it is hard for the mom to introduce a bottle. Good luck!
Hi J. - I went through the same thing with my son (what is it with boys??). I posted a question on here in December 2008 and got some really good suggestions - you might be able to find them if you click on my profile. Some of them: try a faster-flow nipple, try holding him facing away from you while you feed him, try feeding him in a swing or carseat, try having your husband or someone else feed him while you're out of the house. Worst-case scenario you can feed him with a medicine dropper or just tilt the milk/formula into his mouth with a spoon (tedious and time-consuming but works in a pinch). Bottom line, I wouldn't force it - you don't want him to associate feeding with bad feelings. Good luck - going back to work is hard enough without this stress. :(
Thewre is a ton of information out there on things to try....different bottles, cup feeding, having others give it to him, etc. That being said, I had the same issue, although I didn't go back to work, I went On a 3day trip. My son never took a bottle the whole time I was gone. Fortunately, he was a bit older, 5 months, and he ate cereal, but that was all he had the entire time. Babies can be seriously stubborn. Your daycare will work with you to try to figure something out. Good luck.