It sounds like you have maybe never gotten the basement completely clean and she can smell places she has gone before. Is there any way to block her out of the basement? If you block her out, will she go somewhere else in the house, or is she only going in the basement? I would try that first.
Sending her to a naughty corner when you get home will not have any affect. Yes, she may know she's done something bad, but it is too late to discipline her by the time you get home. IF you cannot block off the basement, or if she goes upstairs if you deny access to downstairs, I would consider crate-training. I would be happy to talk to you about crate training if you are not sure how to do it, so send me a PM. If it works correctly, you MAY be able to wean her off the crate so that she can go back to having free run of your house in the future.
On a side note, good for you for adopting a rescue dog! I have worked with animals rescues for over 10 years, both shelters and private rescues, and I have fostered dogs for years, as well. All three of my dogs (and both cats!) are rescues, and I would never get an animal any other way! Not all rescued pets need extra training or support, but when you adopt an abused dog, like an abused child, you get a special set of consequences. I wanted to thank you for opening your home and your heart to a dog that didn't get the best start in life. ^_^