My daughter is almost 8 months and we started feeding her at 6months. Until than she was only breastfed(she is still breastfed). After introducing solids your milk production slows. Milk production is supply and demand. With your daughter getting calories elsewhere, your milk will slow down because its not needed as much. Don't get me wrong, breastmilk should be the major (and most important) part of her diet even after you introduce solids. but since starting solids my milk has dropped too and i don't get that engorged feeling very much at all, but she is getting plenty of milk for herself, I just don't have all the extra that I used to have. I confirmed this with my doctor, and she eased my mind. She simply said, because my daughter has a backup calorie intake, my body didn't need to overproduce milk, unfortunately this also cause my menstrual cycle to return. If you are extremely worried you should talk to your doctor or your daughter's doctor, i found that sometimes her pedi gives better advice than my obgyn on matters like this.