PLEASE READ THIS IN IT'S ENTIRETY FOR YOUR DAUGHTER'S SAKE, EVEN IF IT HITS A SOUR NOTE IN YOU. My sister's baby did the same thing until her baby (opps, toddler) was almost 1.5 years old. I'm certain you'll get many moms whose babies did the same thing. Why? Because there are so many moms out there who do not want their babies, toddlers, and teenagers to (God forbid) experience any of life's unpleasantries. Please do not feel I am attacking you. Please, please do not feel that way. However, understand that should you continue giving in to your baby's nighttime demands, you will be giving in to her every demand for the rest of your life, and you will have on your hands what is referred to as an "Adult Toddler." That's what my sister's daughter is now. During the time of my sister's daughter's infant and toddler crying spells, my sister became so exhausted she couldn't think straight (she wasn't thinking straight in the first place). My sister and I were pregnant at the same time, had our babies at the same time (both girls), and just happened to be at our Pediatrician's office at the same time (had the same Pediatrician). In front of my sister and our Pediatrician, I offered to bring my sister's daughter home with me for the night to give my sister the rest she so desperately needed (I'd offered many times before). Dr. Pedia expressed that it was a wonderful idea. With tears streaming down my sister's face, and almost in hysterics (sleep deprivation can do that), she blurted out that I would let her baby cry (which I would have). Dr. Pedia's response to my sister was, "Jane, for the 50ith time, let your baby cry! It won't hurt her in the least!" Well, my sister did not let her baby spend the night with me, and because she continued in catering to her daughter, all the way through adulthood, her daughter (now in her early 20's) is miserable. She dropped out of school, is on anti-depressants, enjoys nothing, does not want to work as she feels she shouldn't have to (I wonder where that came from), smokes pot, steals, and if she doesn't get her way, makes everyone around her as miserable as she is.
You stated, "I am happy to wake up and comfort her when she needs it,..." She doesn't "need" it. She "wants" it because she gets what she wants when she wants it. And who wouldn't, at any age? If someone were willing to come into your room at night each time you cried out, to comfort and please your desires, wouldn't you keep doing it? Please forgive me, but I get the feeling that Mom is the one who truly "wants" it or "needs" it, as this should have and could have been nipped in the bud months ago. I realize you feel this is not harming her in any way, but you are setting the stage. At 8 months, she's the one in control, and if not nipped, will always be.
My 2 grown children were once 8 months old, and I love being a mother in every aspect of their lives, just as you. However, as difficult as it was, I raised my children in a way that was best for them, not for me. My daughter is the total opposite of her same age cousin. My daughter is outgoing, looks forward to new and exciting things, finished college, works full-time and loves it, is responsible with her money, and handles life's "unpleasantries" in an adult way. My son is the same. I give God the glory. Good luck, and May God Bless, Tico&Taco