My daughter had reflux, too. At 4 weeks, she choked and turned blue. She went to hospital on the ambulance MORE than once. It was terrifying. So, I know what you are going through. Unfortunately, my daughter did not sleep through the night until she was a preschooler.
I broke down and asked for help from family and friends so that I could get more than 4 hrs of sleep a day. That's all I did get for a long time. I was exhausted.
She cried on and off all day. For months and months, she would cry (alot) every night from dinner time until 3:30 am, too. At 3:30 am, she would close her eyes and go to sleep for 4 or 4 1/2 hrs.
I nursed as long as I could, Then, we gave her formula w/ rice. Not much helped.
No one really understood how difficult it was. It did get easier with time.
My second child did not have reflux and slept through the night when she was approx. 5 or 6 months old. I was dumbfounded!
Please send me a personal message if you'd like to know what steps I took...