Reflux will cause the vomiting and spitting up. Often it is because the esophagus sphincter doesn't close all the way. I had 2 kiddos with it, so I know how you feel. Milk PROTEIN is one of the biggest mucus makers in little ones. I would cut out all dairy in her diet, so if she is on formula go to either the Alimentum or the Nutrimigen. DO NOT USE SOY!!!! Soy mimics estrogen in the body and is causing a lot of problems for kids as they get older. It is also an allergen that can have a lot of problems for kids. My son is allergic to it, and it makes my daughter so constipated that we ended up at the ER with a bleeding rectum from the poop being so hard and big for her little 6 month old bottom.
If you are breastfeeding, then you need to cut all dairy out of your diet. This can take a couple of weeks to do though, even if you start today, so, you may need to supplement with formula until then. Many times doctors will diagnose the reflux but don't look at milk protein allergy, which is not the sugar Lactose, so lactose free or lactade or senstitive formulas will not work if that is the problem.
Personally, I would go buy a can of Alimentum and give it to her. I have a feeling you will see a difference in her pain and discomfort level within hours, but certainly within a full day. This is really the best way to figure out what is going on.
Get a Nose Frida (http://www.target.com/p/nosefrida-nasal-aspirator/-/A-113.... It is a better device to suck out the yuck, and I think that in the next 10 years it will replace the bulb sucker all together. It should!
Again, like others said, she needs to sleep upright at a 30 degree angle, so the infant carseat, or swing is good because it will help keep the reflux down instead of coming back up. But, first, I would get rid of the milk and see what a difference that makes.
Please let us know how she is doing after you try some of the suggestions here. You are not alone!