Please sign up for this parenting course, it's free and it's near you!!! I'm taking it right now, the next session starts in March. Here are the topics in order for the next session: (note: in my opinion, the first two classes are the most important, very valuable info that I promise will help your current situation).
3/26: Understanding behavior - Temperament and Stages
4/2: Building a Bond with our Children/Parenting styles.
4/16: Discipline strategies that work!
4/23: Establishing rules and routines
4/30: Choices and consequences
5/7: Temper Tantrums and the power of encouragement
5/14 & 5/21: Open discussions Q&A
Call ###-###-#### to register ( IT'S FREE!!! )
I'm going to paste the flyer at the end of my post with more information, including a link to Sandi's radio talk show website. Also, I just noticed, the above schedule is for the Menifee Valley Mt. MSJC campus, they also have these classes the the San Jacinto Campus if that is closer to you (call them though as the dates are different) - their number is: ###-###-####.
Some personal advice that I'd like to add is your son is not violent, he is 2. Try not to label him. His behaivor, although frustrating, is actually age appropriate. You just need to get some good tools to deal with it. At this age, redirecting and preventing works best. When you do need to discipline, less talk and emotion from you. Keep it simple and above all, always try to be clear and consistent (in everything you do with him). For example, you dont just say, this room is a mess, clean it up!! You say, (insert name) can you please put all the blocks in the blue bin? When he hits his little brother or pushes, or bites, whatever works for him! LOL!, simply say, we don't push, pusing is not nice - and redirect him. If you make a racket everytime he does something "bad" then he'll continue to do it, because attetion is attention at this age, whether he gets it from good behaivor or bad behaivor. Catch him doing things right. When you do see him playing nicely, make it a point to get down to his level and say, Wow! you are playing so nicely! Mommy loves to see you being nice to your little brother, then give him a big hug and a kiss. Wow!! He'll think, Mommy is so proud of me, I love the way that felt! On the other hand, if you give him little attention after hitting or pushing, just simply say, we don't hit, hitting is not nice - redirect, take away toy he hit with if needed, but keep the conversation to a minimum, he'll catch on quickly that good behaivor feels much nicer than bad behaivor. Sorry - didn't mean to get so long winded. My son was a hitter at that age. It didn't last long, thank God! But I remember it like it was yesterday. Once you see what is behind the behaivor, fixing it and dealing with it can be so much easier - for everyone! OK - here is the flyer for the parenting class - I highly recommend it!! Going to a parenting class doesn't mean you are bad parent or don't know what you are doing - it means you care and want to be the best parent!!
Calling All Parents: Free Parenting Course offered at MSJC
As a parent you may be struggling to understand your child’s behavior or you may be trying to build a strong bond with your child. You may also be wondering if there is a different method of guidance to deal with a particular situation. Or perhaps you may be questioning what kind of choices and effective consequences are best for each stage in your child’s development. You will discover many answers as you participate in the extraordinary 8-week Parenting Course which invites you “to move into your greatness!”
Funded by First Five Riverside, there is no charge for these parenting classes. Starting January 29th, the classes will be given at the Menifee Valley Campus of Mount San Jacinto College every Thursday by Sandi Schwartz. Sandi Schwartz is a nationally respected educator and parenting expert, as well as an entertaining speaker. There are two sessions of one hour and a half to help best meet your schedule: from 1:00- 2:30 p.m. and from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Parents, grandparents, foster parents and teachers will greatly benefit from them. If you can’t make it for the series starting in January, there is another starting on March 26th. Parents who have attended reported that they are grateful for what they have learned and put into practice and they feel better about themselves. To register call ###-###-####