My son does this also, it started around 7 months (he is 14 months now). He did still take one bottle at night and I would try to change him, but if I messed to much with him he would wake up fully and be awake for hours. I would normally give him his 4 oz bottle and let him hold it, he wouldnt finish it all. By morning he would be wringing wet. Bath every morning, full change BLECK. I was using pampers as well, I even went up in size and tried all there varieties, none worked for the night. The day they were great. The only thing I found was 2 sizes up, Luvs. If you son can tolerate the paperyness, they are great for absorption. Also the Huggies over nights work pretty well if they fit. In my area I can only find them in size 5. So far for price and protection Luvs truly works, but some more sensitive kids cant handle them. He still wakes up wet on occasions but not soaked.. usually now its just his jammies around the leg and waist.