I sorry to hear about your divorce. I, too, am going through one myself. Luckily my ex and I live in the same town. He gets the kids (ages 6 and 4) every other weekend and occasionally during the week if something special is going on. (I try to be flexible.) Being 12 hours away is a little more difficult, but you and your ex need to create a set schedule of when he can visit the baby, the baby visit him, whatever. It is really up to what you two feel most comfortable doing and is best for the child. With my kids, we try to be consistent so they know what to expect. Especially around Christmas when his family is in Alabama and mine is in Florida. Also, when you go to court for the final hearing, the judge will follow state guidelines as to how many weeks during the summer you each get, how you will divide holidays and school vacations (of course when he gets school age!)
If you continue talking about his dad and showing him photos of him, your child can remember his connection with him, but that's about all you can do. Most of it is going to be up to his daddy and how involved he wants to be in his life.