Ok, my mom and I moved A LOT as a kid and I have pretty much done the same in my adult years here is a system that works for us:
Boxes labeled the rooms w/ a number
Living Room 1
Kitchen 2
Master BR 3
Kid BR 4
Kid BR 5 and so on depending on the space/rooms then have a bright sheet of paper in each room on the entry to the room where ever so you do not have to direct traffic all day and they just need to match numbers not try to read MASTER BEDROOM or "MOLLY'S Room" and figure it out from there.
On the Furniture have the same number taped on too and try to keep the room's furniture together so you can unload all of the boxes into the closet (out of the way) and then put the furniture into each room before moving on to the next. This has worked very smoothly for nearly 20 moves! Good Luck, everyone finds what works for them here is what works for us.