LOL. They LOVE LOVE LOVE me too! I feel your pain or itch rather.
Receently I learned that they are attracted to people's scent. So if two people are standing next to each other they will head for the one who sweats more, or has a stronger odor. This is why the especially like feet! I know gross right?
I find that aloe helps with the itch also, I got a benadryl stick last year...easy to take with you and works pretty well. Nothing will make the itch stop for good but even temporary relief is well recieved. Also, as soon as you nitice you have been bitten it helps to clean the area asap. Camping limits your options but a baby wipe or hand sanitizer should be good enough. The reason you want to clean it is becasue they go to the bathroom on you that's what you are reacting to. That's what I've been told anyway. I do find that it helps though. I don't seem to get as swollen and itchy if I can clean the spot right away.
Make sure you bring long pants, long sleeves and socks and shoes to wear at night. If you can handle it...wear 'em during the day (or whatever time they start to attack). Sort of counter productive if you will be sweating though! LOL But it really does keep them away better than repellent alone. That's the other thing...wear repellant but not too much. A light spray all over even on clothes should be enough to last a few hours.
If you can...bring some baby wipes and before heading into the woods or hanging out for the evening wipe yourself and your son down...asif showering with a baby wipe (especially feet and between toes and areas that sweat). This should help minimize your "scent" so they aren't too attracted to the two of you.
I have also read something about light or dark colors...not sure which they are more attracted to so I would google it if you can.
Put all this to good use and hopefully you will have a fantastic camping trip with miminal welts from those little guys!
Have fun and good luck!