It's hard to help a lot without knowing more details about your finances, and I know you don't want to give more on-line.
But in generals here is my adivce: write out a complete budget - rent, utilities, food & such, debts, car expenses, and so on. Include the 'luxuries' you usually do - movies, eating out, etc. Add everything up and compare it to how much your husband makes. Evaluate the difference and then see where you can cut back. Small cutbacks in several categories may be easier than totally gettig rid of one thing. Maybe you can consolodate a few bills into one (like credit cards) but be VERY careful you don't get into worse trouble. Other ways to cut back - use generic instead of brand names (usually there's not a lot of difference), plan your menu for the week & go shopping only once a week (fewer impulse buys). If your husband travels a lot, look into public transportation - it may be cheaper than gas, and save wear and tear on your car, shop around for car insurance, rent a video instead of going to the movies, reevaluate your phone plans (mobile & home) to make sure that you're getting the best price for what you need. There are lots of ways to cut back and save, and it may be just enough. Create a new budget based on this then STICK TO IT!!
Really, once you figure in travel time and expenses, clothes for the job, meals at the job, and what "uncle sam" takes out, a part time job really isn't worth it. If you must go back to work, find ways to minimize the cost, but I would really take a close look at your budget first and you may get to still stay home!
One last note - if you want to buy start saving for a down payment. You can get better rates & lower payments if you have a down payment (and avoid those 2-1 buydowns and balloon interest rates that seem so attractive but aren't, too)! Ideally you want about 20% down for your house. So save as much as you can now to buy a house later (even if it takes you an extra year or two!)