I'm not currently in treatment, but I was diagnosed with cancer 19 months ago (Hodgkins Lymphoma) when my daughter was 10 weeks old, and the day before my son's 2nd birthday. It was 2 days before my 33rd birthday, so I was a little older.
I don't know much about your specific cancer, and I am SO sorry you are having to deal with it.
You're welcome to reach out to me anytime (send me a message through mamapedia, and I'll send my contact info) if you need support or have questions, in general.
There's also an organization called Imerman Angels (imermanangels.org) that keeps a database of fighters and survivors and will match you as closely as possible to someone else going through what you're experiencing (age, kids, cancer type and stage). I'll be calling a Mom tomorrow with Hodgkins so she has someone to relate to.
Most importantly, I hope you have a good Oncologist who specializes in your cancer. If not, see if there's anyone in your local area.
You will need the support of your family and friends. You will find you have friends you never knew about, and you'll find that people you thought were friends can't deal with it and abandon you. But, you will get through this and will be a better Mom, friend, daughter, and person in the end.