I currently attend WGU. I've been going for a little over a year now trying to knock out my B.S. in business management. They are accredited. They do accept tuition assistance and the like, I'm using my GI Bill. The plus side for me is that there are not a specific times you need to be online for a class or anything which would be nearly impossible to do since I'm overseas. The downside is that I'm lazy and a procrastinator so working at my own pace is hard. I think I would do much better in a classroom. You have a progress mentor that you talk to on a weekly basis. She's the one that helps you decide which order to do your classes in and can point you in the right direction if you have any problems. Your teachers are available online and via phone and you can talk to them as much as you need to. You can also talk to other students. Some of your exams have to be proctored (WGU pays for that) so you must go to a testing center. I know Sylvan Learning Center is a test site and so is TCC and probably any other community college campus. Other classes don't have final exams, you pass based on the work you turn in. It is transferable if you choose to go someplace else later. Right now the cost for my degree is just under $3,000 every 6 months. So if you're a motivated, non procrastinator I'd highly recommend WGU.