I've never heard of such a thing....not that I'm an expert, but seriously?
Perfectly normal 4 year olds who have never experienced any trauma are like creatures from another planet sometimes. Happy one minute and crying the next, can't live without a favorite snuggy and then wants nothing to do with it. Loves broccoli one meal and thinks it's gross three days later.
Ups and downs are pretty normal for kids.
Under the best of circumstances.
Maybe your child is just emotionally overwhelmed.
He's been through a traumatic custody battle.
Who made it traumatic?
I'm honestly asking.
There's been a custody battle, interestingly enough you are bringing up mental illness on his father's side, apparently searching websites and books now that you've had time to "reflect" back on your son's "earlier' childhood.....He's only 4!
Are YOU trying to diagnose him with something?
You can google til your head falls off. 90% of the healthy teenagers I know would probably be "bipolar" according to some website.
I swear I don't mean to sound harsh. I'm all for "mother's intuition" and all that, but do him the benefit of getting a professional opinion.
Maybe he has PTSD.
Post Traumatic Stess Syndrome.
It wouldn't make him mentally ill and it can be dealt with.
Like I said, I don't mean to sound harsh and I'm sure you love your son and want what's best for him.
Don't just run through a list of "symptoms" on the computer. Take him to see someone in person.
I feel for the little guy. My kids went through a horrible custody situation too.
Did they act out? Yes.
Did they feel torn between their parents? Yes.
Were they mentally ill? No.
Maybe it's like having a history of chronic heart problems in the family.
Your little one runs around and gets winded or breathes heavily and automatically your worst and first thought is that your child inherited a bad heart.
So you google.
Oh my God.
It must be cardiomyopathy.
Don't do that to yourself or your child.
Best wishes.