I had thought about making my own recently, too, but then realized that unless the stickers or whatever I used were removeable, I would have to make a new chart every week. Then I found this great behavior/reward chart that comes with velcro stars and lots of different "behaviors" to choose from - it's totally customizeable and it comes with tabs to hang it on the wall or you can put it on the fridge because it comes with magnetic strip already attached to the back - it's really cool. I found it at my local Learning Express toy store, but if you don't have one by you, here's it is at Amazon:
and here's the company's website where you can read more about it and see their other products:
May not be what you're looking for, but thought I'd give you an option - I bought two - one for each daughter (4 and 5) and it doesn't work perfectly, but it's definitely making an improvement.
Best wishes!