oh boy do i understand. when my husband and i started trying to conceive in april 99, my last period was july 99, in sept. when it still hadn't come and i had all - home test, my doc. did a blood test it was - also, so she gave me pills to bring on my period and when that didn't work and i felt like i had the flu (that was my only symptom) i made an apt to see her in oct. and had a + test on oct 4th, 99 (i'll never forget that date!!!) it was all due to low HCG levels in my body. the only true and definitive test to see how long along i was was by a vaginal ultrasound to see the sac and baby. and i was about a month along. if it wasn't me feeling like the flu i would of never really gone to the doc i never had freq. peeing, sore breasts, or even morning sickness and i had a healthy baby boy may 31,2000 (his due date).
so i wish you all the best.
K. L