I never struggled with weight loss until after I got married which is also when I discovered that I had PCOS which makes it very difficult to lose weight. My husband would make comments every now and then, or scold me for eating something that I probably shouldn't. Many times I have felt much less than beautiful to him. I rarely received compliments, ok never, and I was always hearing how if I lost some weight I wouldn't have problems with this or that. I know he always said it in the most loving way possible, but it still cut deep.
One day I guess he was concerned for me and he looked up online about PCOS. He read comments women had left about how frustrating it was to work their butts off, and not lose any weight. He did this without my knowing, but it helped him understand my struggle. He realized that my lack of weight loss was not entirely my fault. He told me that night that he hadn't realized how frustrating it was for me to not lose weight. In 6 years of marriage, I gained 120 pounds.
I am finally on the right track with the Atkins diet (35 lbs lost and counting!), but I didn't start this diet for him or because any of his comments or hints that I should lose weight. It was a personal decision that my doctor helped me realize. He is very supportive of course, and excited for me as well, but I am not doing it for him. I am doing it for me.
I agree with what Lauren J said. Your daughters need to see a daddy that treats their mother like a queen so that they expect the same from their future husbands. You need to talk to your husband (not fight or argue or call names) and let him know how frustrating it is for you to be trying so hard to lose weight and having no success. You need to know that he thinks you are beautiful no matter what. He needs to know how much he is damaging your self esteem by what he is saying. If he really is trying to help you because he cares for you, then he will realize he isn't helping the situation, and stop. I'm sorry you are feeling down. I have felt that way before as well. It always helped me to go get a haircut or something. I got some time alone to myself, and I always felt beautiful afterwards.